
Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires Weapons

1 Jan 2000admin
Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires Weapons Rating: 3,5/5 1569 reviews

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires. You dont craft weapons like DW8XLCE but you build weapon forges which unlock the next tier of weapons for your characters although no personal customization like DW8XLCE. They are sort of very pre set weapons. Building 6 weapon forges will give you last tier weapons.

Haven't played much, but here's what I can tell based on what I've seen:1) Weapon drops are super rare. I got maybe 5 in as many hours2) Weapons that are dropped will be the special ones with the random seals (all of them as far as I can tell)3) MOST weapons will be bought from the blacksmith4) The blacksmith offers only level 1 weapons to start with, and only for your characters EX weapon5) The only way to improve the weapons available at the blacksmith is to build more blacksmiths within a kingdom. Each blacksmith you build will unlock another tier of weapons, all the way up to tier 6. Only the first 6 blacksmiths you build will actually unlock anything, any more after that is useless.6) The blacksmith will only offer weapons for you character to start, but will also begin to offer weapons that one of your subordinates uses as well. Example: I was a spear user and the blacksmith sold spears, I recruited Liu Bei and suddenly I can buy double swords from the blacksmith as well.NOTE: I was playing as my own ruler from the start, so I have no idea know how to build more blacksmiths or if the weapon unlocks apply if you are a subordinate or vagabond.EDIT: From the tutorial section: 'moving to an area controlled by a force that has many facilities will allow you to make use of them'. Originally posted by:Haven't played much, but here's what I can tell based on what I've seen:1) Weapon drops are super rare.

I got maybe 5 in as many hours2) Weapons that are dropped will be the special ones with the random seals (all of them as far as I can tell)3) MOST weapons will be bought from the blacksmith4) The blacksmith offers only level 1 weapons to start with, and only for your characters EX weapon5) The only way to improve the weapons available at the blacksmith is to build more blacksmiths within a kingdom. Each blacksmith you build will unlock another tier of weapons, all the way up to tier 6. Only the first 6 blacksmiths you build will actually unlock anything, any more after that is useless.6) The blacksmith will only offer weapons for you character to start, but will also begin to offer weapons that one of your subordinates uses as well. Example: I was a spear user and the blacksmith sold spears, I recruited Liu Bei and suddenly I can buy double swords from the blacksmith as well.NOTE: I was playing as my own ruler from the start, so I have no idea know how to build more blacksmiths or if the weapon unlocks apply if you are a subordinate or vagabond.EDIT: From the tutorial section: 'moving to an area controlled by a force that has many facilities will allow you to make use of them' yes, so far I played we can only buy weapon from blacksmith, but we can no more customize wepons abilities, right? Originally posted by:Think its worth pointing out; the weapons you buy doesnt transfer to any other games you might play, so atleast for me I dont see much reason to hunt them.By default, they don't. You can spend 'bonus points' to give a campaign character access to all weapons that have been unlocked so far.

It costs about 4000 points though (I get about 200 per battle), and the purchases for weapons, strategems, and items are all seperate (though items and strategems are cheaper)To unlock the weapons, start a new empire campaign, and in the setup screen (the place where you choose if custom officers appear), hit Pg. Down to go to the 2nd options screen.

You will see some options to give weapon access for that campaign. Originally posted by:Haven't played much, but here's what I can tell based on what I've seen:1) Weapon drops are super rare. I got maybe 5 in as many hours2) Weapons that are dropped will be the special ones with the random seals (all of them as far as I can tell)3) MOST weapons will be bought from the blacksmith4) The blacksmith offers only level 1 weapons to start with, and only for your characters EX weapon5) The only way to improve the weapons available at the blacksmith is to build more blacksmiths within a kingdom. Each blacksmith you build will unlock another tier of weapons, all the way up to tier 6. Only the first 6 blacksmiths you build will actually unlock anything, any more after that is useless.6) The blacksmith will only offer weapons for you character to start, but will also begin to offer weapons that one of your subordinates uses as well. Example: I was a spear user and the blacksmith sold spears, I recruited Liu Bei and suddenly I can buy double swords from the blacksmith as well.NOTE: I was playing as my own ruler from the start, so I have no idea know how to build more blacksmiths or if the weapon unlocks apply if you are a subordinate or vagabond.EDIT: From the tutorial section: 'moving to an area controlled by a force that has many facilities will allow you to make use of them'Just another note, I did notice that alot of the quests give weapons out and seemingly at random.

I'll definitely level up the blacksmith asap, thanks for sharing what you've noticed. Important note on weapon drops: Finish off an officer with a musou attack and you have a MUCH higher chance to get a weapon drop from them. Highest chance to get a weapon drop from a famous officer in my experience. ( this was actually pointed out in a tutorial message but it was just given to you like it was nothing important so it was easy to miss )-The bonus point system with 'unlock weapons' allows you to keep the weapons you found and bought in the previous empire run, effectively allowing you to carry them all over. It also gives you the basic 3 weapons of all weapon classes so you can try them out.

It's costly at 4000 bonus points but well worth it.-Also, i think it only works when you have finished an empire mode and saved the progression to get the weapons you found. You have to dig your weapon stache a bit deeper thanks to all of the low level 1 star weapons you get, but the found weapons should be there. Originally posted by:Important note on weapon drops: Finish off an officer with a musou attack and you have a MUCH higher chance to get a weapon drop from them. Highest chance to get a weapon drop from a famous officer in my experience.

( this was actually pointed out in a tutorial message but it was just given to you like it was nothing important so it was easy to miss )-The bonus point system with 'unlock weapons' allows you to keep the weapons you found and bought in the previous empire run, effectively allowing you to carry them all over. It also gives you the basic 3 weapons of all weapon classes so you can try them out. It's costly at 4000 bonus points but well worth it.-Also, i think it only works when you have finished an empire mode and saved the progression to get the weapons you found. You have to dig your weapon stache a bit deeper thanks to all of the low level 1 star weapons you get, but the found weapons should be there.I remember seeing that message and for some reason I thought it said stratagems and not musou attack so I just shrugged it off. Thanks for your help! I have been actively trying out the ways to get weapon drops.

Here is what I have observed:1) Fighting enemies in the 'red zone' on the map seems to yield higher drops, however I have drops when I am not in the enemy area.2) Killing enemeies with strategem seems to the one of the ways to get drops. The best are Fire Strike, Ice Strike and Thunder Strike.3) Killing with Musou seem to yield dropsThe best chance is to kill off enemy officers deep in their zone (you will get a notification that the enemy are getting stronger) with a strategm or Musous. However, I never got a drop from Rage Musou.Using these I have over 10+ drops in about 2-3 hours of play. It's not a lot, however they are good quality drops.I also tend to notice that some weapon drops will be the same type as you are equipping, though sometimes I get weapon types of the officer which I have defeated.The best way to 'farm' would be get a fast horse (Red Hare), and at the start of every battle, just go hunting enemy officers inside their zone and leave the base capturing to your AI. The best battles are those with reinforcements. Just camp outside the main camp and finish them off.

Originally posted by:2) Weapons that are dropped will be the special ones with the random seals (all of them as far as I can tell)Random seals is false. The attributes, or seals as you like to call them, are always the same. What I did notice was that the star weapons tend to have a bit less attack than their regular counterpart.NOTE: I was playing as my own ruler from the start, so I have no idea know how to build more blacksmiths or if the weapon unlocks apply if you are a subordinate or vagabond.To build a weapon forge, go to construct facility. Choose the land you wanna build it in, then choose weapon forge. But bear in mind, you need to be ruler, strategist or marshal to pull it off.EDIT: From the tutorial section: 'moving to an area controlled by a force that has many facilities will allow you to make use of them'If they bothered to build them. Don't rely on the AI to build weapon forges, academies or item shops.

One of my pet peeves with the game atm. It's so annoying not being able to progress because the AI is too dumb to realize its units need better stuff to fight with.If they had fixed that, it would make the game more enjoyable to the player. I mean, why wouldn't Liu Bei try to build academies, or Cao Cao not build any weapon forges to help with the war?I know this game isn't quite logical, I mean why can I marry yueying of all people, but at least make it enjoyable to the player to progress through the game. Originally posted by:Random seals is false.

The attributes, or seals as you like to call them, are always the same. What I did notice was that the star weapons tend to have a bit less attack than their regular counterpart.So the attributes on each weapon are fixed? Operation flashpoint dragon rising trainer.

No way to make the weapons unique or customize the attributes it had? I noticed that I couldn't find this feature but I didn't think it was a result of it not being in the game, I thought I was just blindNope, it isn't in there.EDIT.