
Heavy Rain Trailer

1 Jan 2000admin
Heavy Rain Trailer Rating: 4,5/5 9285 reviews

Heavy Rain Guide A sword is never a killer, it is a tool in the killer's hands. Heavy Rain game guide contains full walkthrough of the game (in my opinion - most optimal way) and all 17 endings fully described in terms of how to see them. Check out the Heavy Rain trailer from E3! Check back for the latest on PlayStation at this year's E3.

If you haven't played through the 'interactive drama' that is David Cage's Heavy Rain before, then you've been given another opportunity to check it out with the – if you pick up the fancy deluxe edition of from the PlayStation Plus Instant Games Collection, you'll also receive Heavy Rain as part of the package. Noice!No two playthroughs of Heavy Rain are the same, and with its branching structure, multiple endings and points at which your character can actually die, seeing everything requires a lot of trial and error – or rather, it used to. Our 100% guide will not only help you nail Heavy Rain’s elusive Platinum Trophy, but ensure you see every possible ending as well.

Read on for advice on picking up all of the virtual silverware, or jump ahead to the section if you just need to see all of the conclusions to the story. Do I need to play the entire game again to get every Trophy?No. Heavy Rain only allows one save at a time, and keeps a permanent timeline of your choices. If you jump into an early chapter, make significant changes to the plot, and decide to save, all following chapters will be affected, allowing you to change the ending. Don’t worry about making a permanent ‘mistake’ – you can replay and save scenes as often you like. It’s also possible to obtain some ‘non-timeline’ Trophies (such as making the omelette) by choosing not to enable automatic saving when you load up the section. And obviously, SPOILERS AHEAD.

PrologueHappy Birthday (Bronze)Complete the drawing + set the table + play with kids1) Walk to your office and complete all stages of the house plan. You’ll know you’ve finished them all when Ethan signs his name.2) Slowly place the plates on the table without breaking them.3) Play with the kids. When you have one on your shoulders, make sure you complete a whole lap of the garden.Interactive Drama (Bronze)Thank you for supporting interactive drama1) Complete the prologue. Father and SonGood Father (Bronze)Follow the schedule with Shaun and put him to bed in a good mood1) Give Shaun a snack at 4:30.

Chips from the cupboard, or an orange from the fruit bowl.2) At 6:00, make Shaun do his homework, even if he protests. Check it when he’s done.3) At 7:00, ask Shaun if he wants dinner. Then go to the fridge and choose pizza or chicken.4) At 8:00, tell Shaun he has to go to bed.5) Fetch his Teddy from the laundry room next to the kitchen. Give it to him, then tuck him in. Sleazy PlaceWhite Knight (Bronze)Beat Troy1) When Troy pushes past you in the hallway, follow him into Lauren’s room. Win the fight sequence to unlock the Trophy.Private Eye (Bronze)Lead Lauren to talk about her son1) Choose the following dialogue options when they appear during Lauren’s interview, in order: ‘Compassionate’, then ‘Trick’.

Crime SceneFBI Investigator (Bronze)Find all clues related to the Origami Killer in the scene1) Follow the orchid pollen trail with the ARI (R1) to the muddy hill.2) Climb the muddy hill and scan the tire tracks.3) Scan every clue around the kid’s body under the tent. The ParkGood Friends (Bronze)Play two games with Shaun successfully and buy him candy1) Throw the boomerang with Shaun by investigating his backpack by the bench.2) Push Shaun on the swings, or play on the see-saw or the roundabout.3) Buy Shaun some candy from the vendor near the merry-go-round.

Welcome, Norman!Got to Remember! (Bronze)Remember what time it was at the park and what Shaun was wearing1) When asked the time, pick 4:15pm.2) When asked about his clothes, pick ‘beige coat’ and ‘green pants’. Hassan's ShopNegotiator (Bronze)Persuade the robber to leave1) Either get caught trying to sneak up on the robber, or approach him.2) Put your hands up and tell him to calm down.3) Tell him your name, then ask him to put the gun down. PaparazziVIP (Bronze)Leave home without being spotted by the journalists1) Exit through the back door of Ethan’s house and jump over the fence to the right.2) Go through the alleyway, get into your car and drive away.

Lexington StationAgoraphobia (Bronze)Knock down at least 50 passers-by1) When everyone freezes during Ethan’s panic attack, knock 50 people over by running into them. You only have a short period of time to do this.Lucky Locker (Bronze)Find the correct locker on the first try1) Go to row 18 and find locker 3. It’s at the top. NathanielBlunder (Bronze)Shoot Nathaniel1) Press R1 to shoot Nathaniel.Self Control (Bronze)Do not shoot Nathaniel1) Do not press R1 to shoot Nathaniel. Suicide BabyBaby Master (Bronze)Make no mistakes taking care of the baby1) Wash your hands.2) Change the diaper and prepare the bottle.3) Rock the baby to sleep and put her back in the crib.

Any mistakes (like making too sudden a movement and waking the baby) will prevent you earning the Trophy. The BearKamikaze (Bronze)Choose the best path on the highway1) Follow this EXACT path during the trial: left, right, left, left at the barrier, right at the cars, right, right at the toll booth, right, then left.2) Make sure you avoid hitting the police car by tilting the controller to the right.Good Driver (Bronze)Complete the bear trial successfully1) Finish the trial. You can make a few mistakes, but too many and you’ll crash and fail. Covered MarketCat & Mouse (Bronze)Beat Korda in the cold storage1) Hit all the prompts to beat Korda.

Kramer's PartyTough Guy (Bronze)Defeat Gordi’s bodyguards1) Hit all the prompts to beat the bodyguards. The ButterflyCoward! (Bronze)Give up or fail the butterfly trial1) After crawling through the broken glass, exit through the ‘coward’ door.Electrified (Bronze)Complete the butterfly trial successfully1) Crawl through the broken glass slowly to avoid taking too much damage.2) Navigate the electric fences. Look for the ones without a current going through them. Shrink and PunchesGood Cop (Bronze)Stop Blake from hitting Dupre1) Intervene before Blake hits the psychiatrist.Bad Cop (Bronze)Don’t stop Blake from hitting Dupre1) Stand back and don’t interfere with Blake’s interrogation.

The LizardGold Finger (Bronze)Cut your finger using the axe, knife or pliers + disinfect or cauterize the wound1) Collect the disinfectant from the bathroom cabinet, then the axe, knife or pliers, and put them on the table.2) Find the iron rod, then heat it up on the gas stove and put it on the table too.3) Sit down and use the disinfectant, then cut your finger off with your chosen tool.4) Use the heated iron rod on the wound to cauterize it.Butcher (Bronze)Cut your finger using the saw or scissors1) Use the saw or scissors to cut your finger off, and don’t cauterize or disinfect the wound. FugitiveFugitive (Bronze)Manage to escape Blake in the subway station1) Follow all prompts to push through the traffic.2) Go down the subway stairs then cross the tracks to escape.Hands Up!

(Bronze)Get arrested by Blake1) Either get caught in the subway station in this chapter, or let the SWAT team catch you at the motel in On The Loose.Jayden's BluesLudwig Von (Bronze)Play the piano without a wrong note1) Hit every prompt while Norman plays the piano.Detox (Bronze)Resist triptocane1) Don’t take the triptocane early on. In the office, choose the ‘resist’ option, flush it in the hotel room. Under ArrestWise Guy (Bronze)Switch the camera off in the surveillance room before saving Ethan1) When Blake’s finished his questioning, go opposite the interrogation room and switch off the video camera before busting Ethan out. The SharkI’m a Killer!

(Bronze)Kill the drug dealer1) When given the option to save or kill the dealer, shoot him.I’m not a Killer! (Bronze)Do not kill the drug dealer1) Don’t shoot the dealer. Avoid his shotgun blasts until the scene ends. The DocSmart Girl (Bronze)Do not drink the doc’s beverage1) Accept the drink, but don’t take a sip when prompted.Queen of Ropes (Bronze)Escape before the doc returns1) When the doorbell rings, follow the prompts to break free of the ropes with the drill. Mad JackGoodbye Mad Jack (Bronze)Survive the fights against Mad Jack1) Search the garage until you find the acid bath.

This will start a fight.2) During the fight, ignore the option to take the triptocane.3) You’ll wake up in your car heading for the crusher. Survive the battle to get the Trophy. EurekaThe Chef (Bronze)Prepare a good omelette on time1) Get the eggs from the fridge and place the pan on the stove.2) Crack the eggs into the pan and stir them until they’re no longer transparent.3) Remove the eggs from the stove before Lauren gets out of the shower. TwinsI’m Not Scared! (Bronze)Follow your brother without making a mistake1) Don’t miss any prompts as you move through the building site. Sexy GirlPride Saved (Bronze)Take off no more than one item of clothing during the striptease1) Remove one piece of clothing, then select the option to grab the lamp to end the striptease.

On The LooseUnforgivable (Bronze)Do not forgive Madison1) When you discover Madison’s real motives, don’t forgive her.Lover boy (Bronze)Forgive Madison1) When you discover Madison’s real motives, forgive her.Escape Master (Bronze)Escape the police at the motel1) Evade the cops until you reach the roof of the motel.2) When given the option, jump off the roof to escape. TrappedSwimming Instructor (Bronze)Save Lauren under the water1) Remove Lauren’s seat belt BEFORE kicking the window. Once upon a tower apk. Face to FaceInvincible Scott (Bronze)Do not get shot in Kramer’s villa1) Don’t miss ANY prompts during the action sequence.Kind Hearted (Bronze)Give Kramer his medicine1) When Kramer has a heart attack, go over to his desk and pick up the medicine.2) Walk over to Kramer and use the medicine. The RatSacrifice (Bronze)Drink the poison1) Pick up the vial and drink the poison.Clever Dad (Bronze)Work out where Shaun is held1) Choose ‘852 Theodore Roosevelt Road’ on Ethan’s GPS. You can ONLY get this Trophy if you’ve failed one or more of the trials.

Killer's PlaceCold as Ice (Bronze)Survive the explosion by hiding in the fridge1) Make your way through the fire into the kitchen.2) Remove everything from the fridge, then get inside to escape the blast. The Old WarehouseSimple Mind (Bronze)Save the Origami Killer before he falls1) During the fight on the conveyor belt, the killer will slip. Choose to rescue him.So Close.

(Bronze)Reach the end with all characters.