Steno Arcade Boards
Full text of 'mm.DAN RNNB 'erica Public Library5 Concord RoadBi/lenca, MA 01821Billerica Memorial High SchoolBillerica, MassachusettsClass of 19673n Memoriam'Two roads converged in a wood; I chose the less trav-eled.' These words from Frost spoken by our late belovedprincipal at the graduation of the Class of 1966 could wellserve as a meaningful summary for the entirety of Mr. In-graham's adult life.Active, courageous, seeking always new ideas and newimpressions, he will be remembered as a man of patience,fairness, and humility. From the beginnings of our associa-tion with him on an academic level, to the more endearingmemories of our personal relations, it is certain that thecharacteristic of individuality stood out always.To the fond remembrance of him as a person, a man, anindividual, we, the Staff of Warrior '67 and the Class of1967, dedicate this Yearbook.2Our TeachersCounselorsandLeadersMrs. AhemGerman; World HistoryMrs. AlcottBiologyMiss BrownHousehold ArtsMr. ClancyChemistry; PhysicsMiss BelcherFrenchMr.
I have a problem with the new arcade missions. The first reward you get in the arcade event is the arcade icon. To complete the next missions you have to equip the Arcade icon. The problem is, I completed the first mission, however I did not receive the icon which leads to me not being able to compl.
BuckleyDevelopmental Reading;Directed StudyMrs. BlakePhysical ScienceMr.
DanahyData ProcessingMr. DeLucaAssistant Director ofInstrumental MusicMr. DiGloriaDirector of Instrumental MusicMr. FinneganCivics; U.S. FreemanCivics; World Problems^^ ^^ ^Mr. GabrielChemistryHead of Science DepartmentMr. GillWoodworkingHead of Industrial Arts Dept.Mr.
GiuntaOffice Practice; TypewritingMr. GoodrowTypewriting; World HistoryMr. GraciePhysical Education Co-ordinatorMr. GuenardPhysical ScienceMrs.
HoughtonLatin; SpanishMr. JahnleEnglishMiss JahnleEnglish; Stenography;Transcription7Mr. LampsonMathematics; Physical Science P. MarchiArtMiss McDuffieAncient HistoryMr.
MerrifieldFrench; Head of LanguageDepartmentMr. MartinEarth Science; Physical Science LatinMrs. HistoryMiss McKinleyEnglishMrs. MooreTypewriting; Head of Business MathematicsDepartmentMiss McCormackEnglishMrs. McLaughlinMathematics; Head ofMathematics DepartmentMrs. MylesPermanent SubstituteMr. PerronBusiness Law; TypewritingMr.
PicheAncient History; EnglishMr. RalphPhysical EducationMiss RichardsonBusiness ArithmeticMr. SamsonMachine ShopMrs. SarkisianGeography; World HistoryMr. PaperaMechanical DrawingMrs. PenneyGeneral Business; Stenography;TypewritingMr.
PruterCreative Writing; English; General Business; Stenography;Mathematics; Head of English Dept. RoachBiology; Mathematics; PhysicalScienceMrs. SaundersEnglish; FrenchMr. SherEconomics; Head of SocialStudies Department9Mr.
WilsonPermanent Substitute Biology; Physical Science General Business; MathematicsMrs. ZemelmanPhysical Education English English10One difference between the formally educated man and the 'self-made' man is that one has the benefit of a motivating environmentand the other labors without the assistance of this nourishing climate.The physical school plant, the faculty, varying methods of instruc-tion, textbooks, and the existing curriculum are merely contributingfactors to this total environment and are not the proximate causes ofeducation since every truly educated man is 'self-educated.' As in every field of endeavor, significant results are usually di-rectly proportionate to the amount of willingly expended effort. Littleeffort is equated to poor results. Enquire of yourself to what degreehave you expended true effort during your secondary school yearsand if this self-analysis is found wanting, resolve and endeavor toattain that level of achievement in life of which you are capable.Your self-education is in its embryonic stage and will mature onlywith your constant application and your dedication of effort towardthe attainment of desired goals.Class of 1967 remember this, it is not what you are at eighteen, itis what you become that is truly significant.J.
David NuttallPrincipal12Now that you have completed your high school edu-cation, you are about to take a place of more graveresponsibility in life. The education you received atB.M.H.S. Should provide a firm foundation for meetingthis new responsibility.May I wish you success, health, and happiness inwhatever lies ahead. For those of you who will beasked to serve, may you fulfill your obligations in anhonorable way.John D. O'BrienVice-PrincipalCongratulations graduating class of 1967 on receiv-ing your high school diplomas. I sincerely wish every-one the very best of health and success in the yearsahead. Continue to be good citizens, friendly and co-operative, and you will always get along in life.William V.
CurrieSecretarial PersonnelMrs. Lyons, Miss Dole, andMrs. Smith14I am pleased to have this opportunity to congratu-late the Class of 1967 in achieving the successful com-pletion of four years of High School. I sincerely hopethat you will be successful in your field of endeavor.Frederick C.
RielSuperintendent of SchoolsIt has been said that a camel is a horse put togetherby a committee. The 1967 graduate of Billerica Memo-rial High School created through the cooperative effortof parents, teachers and administrators proves that thisjoint effort is a tremendous success.Congratulations to each and every member of thegraduating class. The standards of my day are nolonger applicable. Today's pupil is required to workharder, study longer, and possess far greater knowledgethan ever before. You have been given the finest edu-cation ever offered in the Town of Billerica. By suc-cessfully completing this task you have proven yourability to meet the increased demands of the sixties.Such success is worthy of only the highest congratula-tions.As for the future may God bless you with good for-tune and if I can add an old Irish saying 'May you liveas long as you want, and never want as long as youlive.' Flaherty, Jr.Assistant Superintendentof Schools15Mr.
Adams17ClassmatesandFriends20How swiftly time passes? Four short years ago,B.M.H.S.
Opened its doors to a new class of Freshmen,comprised of distinct individuals each concerned withhis own problems. As graduation nears for this class, ithas become a unit of which we can be proud. TheSenior Class of 1967 has set a good example for futureclasses. Rarely do we find a class as a whole so cooper-ative, so determined to work toward a common goal,so willing to consider others.
It was my pleasure to beadvisor to such a class. Those who fear for the futureor our nation have much to learn from this group.I would be remiss in my duties, if I didn't leave youwith a last word of advice. Don't lose the enthusiasmthat you demonstrated. It brought you far as a class.
Itwill serve you as well in your life's choice. A good ideanever matures without it.Traditionally classes shower thanks either earned orunearned on their advisor; I wish as advisor to showerthanks upon you.Mr. PerronAdvisorIt is infrequently that a class has the unique oppor-tunity to work with a man as interested and dedicatedas you have been to the task of guiding the class of1967 through these past four years. We should nowlike to take this occasion to extend to you in our Year-book our deepest and most sincere gratitude for yourunselfish and untiring devotion to the Class. Your quietinspiration and unflagging patience have served as amodel to all of those who have had the privilege andpleasure of working with you.The Class of 196724Class OfficersLINDA LORRAINEANDERSENStretchFuture Nurses' Club 2, Treas-urer; Dramatic Club 1, 3; Sci-ence Club 2, 3Richie. July 5, 1965.Junior Prom.
Kagan'sclassDIANE ARAKELIANDe DeeHomeroom Representative 1;Pep Squad I, 2, 3; Cheering 4;Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4Cheering for BMHS. Jun-ior Prom. April 28, 1966. August 10, 1966. Sum-mers of '65 and '66. Foot-ball Jamboree of '66.Chemistry with Mr.
Myfour years at BMHSCATHERINE M. ALARICathiePep Squad 1, 2, 4; DecoratingCommittee for Junior Prom;Yearbook TypistMay, 1966. Junior Prom. Civics with Pauline.Certain boy. DeBene-dictis' ClassRUTHANNE ALLENRuthieNewspaper Staff 2, 3; PepSquad 2, 3; Travel Club 3;Twirler 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4;Prom Committee 3Summers of 1965 and 1966. Our little Chevy. Allthe fun I had in my Junior andSenior YearsDAVE ANDERSONDaveBasketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain4; Spanish Club 3; Football 1,2Junior English with Mrs.
Shep-pardPAULINE M. AREYPep Squad 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramu-ral Sports 1, 2; Prom Commit-tee 3, 4Bobby. September 26, 1963.
Finnegan's class.Civics with Cathie. The CrowdLORRAINE M.ARSENEAUXChorus 1, 2; Ski Club 2Mr. Gabriel's fourth periodchemistry class. CertainboyLINDA ASSELINSummer of '65. Bonfires atthe Pond26ROBERT B. BARNETTBobManager, Varsity and J. V.Basketball 3Mrs.
Sheppard's English classes.All the kids. My Jun-ior yearMICHAEL G. BARNHARTBarneyFootball 1; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4;Band 1, 2, 3, 4Playing in a dance band in aconcert.
Samson's ma-chine shop, 4 yearsGAIL M. BAGROWSKINational Honor Society 3, 4;Cheerleading 3, 4; DramaticClub 1, 2; Pep Squad 1, 2Cheering for BMHS. Jun-ior Prom. November 1. The CrowdGERALD H.
BAKERJerryYearbook Staff; HomeroomRepresentative 2, 3; Class Sec-retary 4; Varsity BaseballManager 2, 3; Key Club 3,Vice-president 4; Junior Var-sity Wrestling 2Decorating for the Prom withall the girls. English withMrs. SheppardSTEVE BARONISteveCross Country 1; Wrestling 1,2; Hockey 3, 4; Baseball 1Summer of '66. My all-girl Sopho-more English class. Girls,Senior yearJANET B.
BARRETTClass Secretary 1, 2; J. V.Field Hockey 2; Pep Squad 1,2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3,4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramu-ral SportsFrank. April 22, 1965.Summer of '66. 4 years at BMHSDONNA BARNHART4 Years at BMHS.
Sum-mer of '66. Steve.August 23, 1966JOANN E. BARONIJoNational Honor Society 3, 4;G.A.A. Member at Large 3,Treasurer 4; Intramural Bas-ketball and Volleyball 1, 2, 3,4; Junior Prom Committee;Pep Squad 1, 2, 3, 4; Home-room Representative 4A certain Marine, 'E.M.' .Junior Prom27ORRAINE BAVIS ' ' f IwJ».KENNETH BATESKenSki Club 1, 2, 3, 4; German STEPHENClub 1 SteveMrs. Saunders' Period 5 Eng- Football 1,lish III class.
Kagan's 2, 3, 4Algebra II class Summer ofBATTCOCK2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1,'66 at the ParkLORRAINE BAVISTarzanVarsity Field Hockey 2, 3, 4;Varsity Basketball 2, 3, 4, Cap-tain 4; Varsity Softball 2, 3, 4;Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; G. A.Officer 3, 4; Secretary of Jun-ior ClassHomeroom with Walter.Summer of '66 in Wilmington.
Pat and I staying out until3 a.m.CATHERINE V. BEANCathyROBERT BEAUCHESNEBoWrestling 2, 3, 4; StudentCouncil 3; Pep Squad 3; PromCommittee 3, 4; Physical Edu-cation Leader 3, 4Mr.
English II.A cute little girlWALTER BELVILLEBuckyTrack 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 1,2, 3, 4My Junior Prom. Donna,my sister. History class. TarzanRICHARD BENTODickJ.
Sheppard's Englishclass. Junior PromPAMELA JOY ANNEBERGERONPJH Junior Prom Decorating Com-mitteeMy English II, chemistry, andSpanish I classes28JAYNE DEBORAHBIAGIOTTIChorus 1, 2; Intramural Bowl-ing 1, 2, 3; Future Teachers'Club 2, 3, 4; Junior PromDecorating CommitteeMiss Splaine's United Stateshistory class. A's Biol-ogy I class in S-5EDWARD J. BISHOPFootball 1; Wrestling 1Mrs. Cassin's English IIGARY BISHOPNational Honor Society; SeniorClass President; Football 1, 2.3; Yearbook Staff; Hockey 2,3, 4, Co-Captain 4Summer of '66.
HockeyEDWARD JOHN BOYSONFootball 3, 4; French Club 2English with Mrs. Cain.Junior year. Spanish withMr. CarlinoJACQUELINE ANNBRALEYJackieNational Honor Society 3, 4,Secretary 4; Girl's Athletic As-sociation, Secretary 4; J. V.Basketball 2; Varsity Basket-ball Manager 3, 4; YearbookStaff; Intramural SportsJunior Prom. Two years ofbookkeeping with Mrs.
Joy ride of September 16,7966 with J. In the 'Bomb'WILLIAM BRANTLEYScience Club 2, 3; MathLeague 2, 3, 4; Key Club 3, 4;Homeroom Representative 3;Literary Magazine; BandMath League Meets. Mrs.McGee's U.S.
History classMARILYN BREAZEALEFrench Club; Leaders' Club;Field Hockey; Softball; Bowl-ingThe dictees of French ///.My Senior yearGEORGE R. BROOKSJuly 3, 1966rnrs29MARIE E. BURKEReArt Class, 1964ROBERT CAMELIOBobBasketball 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4English 111JAMES BROWNJimHome Room Representative 1Mx Junior Prom with LinLINDA LEE BROWNBrownieJ. Sports; Science Club;Spanish Club: Junior PromCommittee; Yearbook Staff;Homeroom Representative 1, 2,4Ralph, 7-12-65. Summer of'65. Junior PromRUSSELL CAMPBELLRussBaseball 4Last Day.
English 11MARY CARBONNEAUGypsyA. 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3;Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; DramaticClub 4All the fun and work in the A.V. King CaractacusJOANN CALLAHANJoTravel ClubBeatles. Summer of myJunior YearDEBORAH ANNCAMPBELLDebbiePep Squad 3, 4; Student Coun-cil 4December 14, 1964. MySophomore Year. Summerof '6630PENELOPE J. CARYPennyNational Honor Society 3, 4German Club 3, President 4Literary Magazine, Editor 4Christmas Pageant 2, 3Summers in Maine.
Along with rocket jumping, Ratz Instagib is great for fans of classic twitch-based shooting action.Features:Customization: Unlock loads of customization items to jazz up your Ratz, then choose from loads of beam and frag types to really show off your style.More Modes: Enjoy the best that FPS action has to offer: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture The Flag and also Freeze Tag.Stats and Leaderboards: Use fully integrated stat-tracking and leaderboards to help keep track of your progressMap Editor: Create your own stages and share them with the community via Steam Workshop. Based on the classic Quake 3 Arena multiplayer, Ratz Instagib's gameplay is completely focused on the railgun weapon where each shot can kill in one hit. Ratz Instagib is a multiplayer FPS title by Lino Slahuschek and published by Rising Star Games.
August25, 1966. Thunderbirdsand Mustangs. MuttiDIANE L. I, 2; Field Hockey 1;Softball 1, 2; Girls' LeaderCorps I; Intramural Sports;Basketball 1, 2Bob. April 2, 1966.Junior Prom. NewtonLINDA SABINE CARONChorusNovember 20, 1965PAMELA JEAN CARRPamVolleyballSophomore year.
Summerof '66DONNA CELESTEDawnPep Squad; Dramatic Club;Junior Prom Decorating Com-mitteeJerry. Jun-ior Prom. Summer of '65.
July 7, 1964THERESA M. CHRISEMERTerryFrench Club; Class and PromDecorating CommitteesA Certain Someone.CCCH. Weekend of theJunior Prom.
Decoratingfor the Prom. G'schemistry classesGAYLE C. CHUBBChubbyPresident of Future Teachers'Club 2; Science Club 2, 3;Spanish Club 1, 2, 3; Intramu-ral Sports; ChorusTommy.
March 11, 1966. Junior Prom.
Satur-day night hockeyRONALD CLARKRonCross Country 1, 2, 3; Basket-ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 4English 11131WILLIAM J. Basketball 3Junior English with Mrs.SaundersCHARLES D. COCHRANChuckTrack 1; Football 2, 3, 4; Bas-ketball 1, 2, 3, 4Nights spent at a friend's house. Summers spent at theparkMICHAEL COLETTIMikeGerman Club 3, 4; ScienceClub 2, 3, 4; Junior PromCommittee; Homeroom Repre-sentative 4; Christmas Pageant3English with Mrs. CainKATHLEEN ANN COLLINSKathyHomeroom Representative 3Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3; Cho-rus 3; Junior Prom Committee:Future Teachers' Club 1, PepSquad 1, 2, 3, 4Donnie. Kidsat Purity. Cafeteria withAnna.
Summer of '66.Junior PromKATHLEEN COONEYKathyNational Honor Society 3, 4;Class Vice-president 2, 3, 4;Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; YearbookStaff; G. Officer 3, 4;Student Leader 4Junior Prom weekend.Sports. The Gang.Class projects. S-13.Ashby TournamentJOSEPH C.
Hunt's Shop classes.Summer of '65. Mr.Piche's English ClassMARY H. CORMIERFuture Teachers' Club 3, 4,PresidentRiding to Ocean Park Beach ina little green Triumph. Fu-ture Teachers' Club meetingswith Miss DunnANTHONY COUSENSCuzMr. Snelson's Englishwith all the guysclass32KtHHEWIS A. CROSBYand; Homeroom Representa-ve 4FREDERIC J.
CUEFreddieIntramural BowlingSpanish 1, II, and IIIGARRY STEPHEN CUNIOCuikeBaseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1;Basketball 1, 2; German Club3, 4Playing b a s ebatl under'Chuck'FRANCIS M. 1-20-64 to 5-8-65. Always 7LAUDIA J. CUTRONElaudiaep Squad I, 2, 3; Junior Promommittee; Dramatic Club 2,; Travel Club 2, 3, 4ugust 31, 1964. A certainrvice boy.
October everyear. Summers of '64 and5. The night of the 'SevenWanderers'. Finnegan's'ivies ClassDIANE M.
Basketball 1, 2; Chorus 1,2, 3; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4;Travel Club 2, 3, 4; Home-room Representative 1, 2; Jun-ior Prom CommitteeAugust 31, 1966. Summerof '66. The night of the'Seven Wanderers'FRANCES L. DANNERTriplet-FranniDramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Cho-rus 1, 2, 3; J. Basketball 1,2; Travel Club 2, 3, 4; JuniorProm Committee; IntramuralSports 1, 2, 3, 4July 7, 1964. The night ofthe 'Seven Wanderers'.Summer of '66.
EddieSANDRA A. DANNERTriplet-SandyChorus 1, 2, 3; Dramatic Club1, 2, 3, 4; J. Basketball 1, 2;Travel Club 2, 3, 4; Home-room Representative 1, 2, 3, 4;Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3, 4;Junior Prom CommitteeBob. June 11, 1965.The night of the 'Seven Wan-derers'.
Summer of '633334THOMAS DOHERTYJunior Prom Decorating Com-mitteeA certain party. UnitedStates history and world his-tory. Spanish II.World ProblemsMARGARET ANN DOLANMargieBaton twirling 1, 2, 3, 4, Co-Captain 3, Captain 4; Year-book Staff; J. Basketball; In-tramural Sports; Spanish Club;Junior Prom Decorating Com-mitteeJunior Prom Time. Hockey and Footballgames. Bill eric a-Mascono-met Hockey game.
Mrs.Cooney's Bookkeeping I and IIJAY DONOVANBasketball 4; Baseball 4; SkiClub 4; Computer Course 4;Math League 4The many moments of anguishand uncertainty in chemistryDAVID FRANCISDUNHAMNational Honor Society 3, 4;Key Club 3, 4; German Club3, 4; Math League 2, 3, 4June 3, 1966. Gabriel'sChemistry I class. EnglishIII with Mrs. JuniorProm weekend. 'Mutti'ADONNA MARIE ERIKSENDramatic Club 1, 2, 4; SkiClub 3, 4; Future Teachers'Club 1, 2, 4; Travel Club 1, 2,3, 4; Pep Squad 1, 2, 4; Stu-dent CouncilMy Brother. Taseos'Algebra II class.
September 23, 1964.' Flash'CAROL FALLOPep Squad 1, 2'Three Coins in a Fountain'.
Spanish with Mrs.Drescher. My Freshmanyear. WaltyLINDA DOWDowseyNational Honor Society 3, 4;Yearbook Staff; French Club,Treasurer 2, Vice-president 3,4; Math League; Class andProm Decorating CommitteesThe Gang. Junior Promweekend. Selec-tive Service. S-13.Latin II.
University ofMassachusetts trip. ClassprojectsSTEPHEN DUNNStabs8-28-66. Junior yearEnglish with Mr. Piche35SHARON FARRELLShasJunior Prom Committee; PepSquad 1, 4; Dramatic ClubSummer of '66. Freshman and Sen-ior yearsDAN FINNLobby before schoolCAROL FITZGERALDFitzyScience Fair 1; Pep Squad 2Summer of '64 with Joey.Mr.
Marchi's art tripsDEBBIE J. FITZGERALDDebScience Fair 1; dramatic Club1Kenny. September 10,1966. August 25, 1966ELIZABETH ANN FLOODAnnabellePep Squad 1, 2, 3, 4; DramaticClub 1, 2; Chorus 1; JuniorProm CommitteeMy Junior Prom. Septem-ber 25, 1966. My Fresh-man yearANNETTE FONSECABombTwirler 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior PromCommittee; Variety ShowFebruary 19, 1966. TheGrey Chevy.
Junior Prom. NantasketDANIEL FITZGERALDFitzyMy Senior vearSUSETTE FONSECABaton Twirler 1, 2, 3, 4; Vari-ety Show 1, 2, 3, 4; JuniorProm CommitteeFootball games. Band Fes-tival. Thanks-giving of '65.A ugust of '6536miDEBORAH H. 9-5-65.^assin's English II classMrs.FRANCES ELAINEFOWLERFrannyNational Honor Society 3, 4;Future Teachers' Club 1, 2;French Club 2, 3, 4; JuniorProm Committee; ChorusFrench Club meetings.
Mr.A's biology class. PromCommitteePAUL FRINKChorus 1, 2, 3Rallies. Senior yearMr. Grade's gym classDAVID GAGNONNational Honor Society 3, 4;French Club; Spring TrackS-13.
Senior year. Chemistry labMICHAEL GATELYMrs. Cassin's English II class. Perron's business lawlass. Slippin' and slidin' inhe showersCYNTHIA M.
GATESCindyPep Squad 4; Dramatic Club 4Year of '65. A specialnight at the Commodore.BobbyCAROL GERONDAKenny, June 8, 1965. Thenight of the 'Seven Wanderers'PATRICIA GIBELLIPatch aPep Squad 3, 4Junior Prom. Footballgames37HELEN GORHAMHomeroom Representative 4;Dramatic Club 3, 4; Intramu-ral Basketball 2; Pep Squad 4Ray. September 4, 1963. My four PromsCAROLYN GJERTSENKirstenYearbook Staff; HomeroomRepresentative 2, 3; A. A.3; Travel Club 2, 3, 4; SpanishClub 1, 2, 3, 4; IntramuralBasketball 1, 2Bill.
February 17, 1966. June 10-12, 1966. Mr.Gabriel's chemistry class.variety show '65ANN MARIE GLASSMajorette 1, 2, 3Butchie.
'55 Chevy.Senior Prom.1966. All thecame from Chicago. A certainMay 28,letters thatLINDA GOUCHERGouchPep SquadByron. August 9, 1966Junior Prom38ROSEMARY JULIA HABER CYNTHIA SUE HARTRose CindyJ. Field Hockey 2; Varsity Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4;Field Hockey, Manager 3 Drum majorette 3Field Hockey, 1965 My big 5-8.
May 31, 1966. Rehearsals andsuccess of Dramatic ClubshowsCLARK L. HARVEYTwangBand 1, 2, 3; Key Club 3, 4;German Club 2, 3; FolksingingClub 3; Pep Squad 4Working. Period 1 DriverEd. Sophomore homeroomDIANE M.
HIBBARDDiPep Squad 1; Future Nurses'Club 2; Junior Prom Commit-tee; Homeroom RepresentativeMy Junior Prom. My Sen-ior year. His Senior Prom. Steno I with Mrs. June 28, 1965. Bookkeeping I with Mrs.CooneyJAMES HOLDMANJayCafeteria 1, 2, 3, 4Summer of '66CHERYL D.
HOLMANSummer of 1966 in Province-town. Period 3 study in myJunior yearELAINE DARLENE HECKPep Squad 1, 2; Dramatic 1, 2;Homeroom Representative 2;Intramural Sports 2; Cheering3, 4; Junior Prom CommitteeA certain boy. JuniorProm and my Junior year.Cheering for BMHS.
'TheCrowd'RICHARD J. HIBBARDDickSki Club 2, 3, 4; Junior PromCommitteeJunior Prom. Mar-chese's Typing 11 Class39CARROLL HORANBillyA. 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4;Freshman BaseballDriver EducationWAYNE A. HOUGHTONSeptember 14, 1964. PeggyMARK ANDREWHOULNfiDan' I BooneTravel ClubMr. Marchi's art classesPETER D.
HOWELLPedroMy Sophomore English classwith Mr. PicheEILEEN MARIE HYNESHynesieNational Honor Society 3, 4;Girls' Athletic Association,Vice-president 3, President 4;Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3, 4;Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Sports1, 2, 3, 4Basketball and Field Hockeywith Miss Clark. Joyrideof September 16, 1966 with J.B., J. In theRICHARD P.
JACOBSONHornpoutVarsity WrestlingAugust 27, 1965. Mr.Kagan's math classSTEPHEN JACOBSONCross Country 1, 2; SpringTrack 1; Wrestling 1; Chorus1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Repre-sentative 3My Spanish classes with Mrs.HoughtonSANDRA J. JAMERSandyIntramural Basketball 1, 2, 3,4; Intramural Bowling 2, 3, 4;Science Fair 1, 2; OfficeHelperThe Fun we had with Mrs.Marchese in shorthand40CLAYTON JENKINSJ. FootballSummer of '65LINDA DORIS KEENERLynneChorus 1, 2, 3, 4; A. 3;Dramatic Club 4'Bye-Bye Birdie'. April 1,1966JEFFREY JENKINSJeffFootball 1, 2, 3, 4Junior Prom. Junior Eng-lish with Mrs.
A cer-tain girlCATHERINE RITAKELLEYSissyPep Squad 1, 2, 3, 4; DramaticClub L, 2, 3, 4; Field Hockey1, 2Mrs. Penney's Shorthand Iclass. April 9,1966. Our PromsLORRAINE E. JENKINSRainyNational Honor Society 3, 4;Class Treasurer 1, 2, 3, 4; PepSquad I, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2,3; Yearbook Staff; IntramuralSportsMike. April 3, 1963.Junior Prom.
'The Crowd'MARY ELLEN KELLEYNational Honor Society 3, 4;Homeroom Representative 2;Pep Squad 1, 2, 3, 4; JuniorProm CommitteeMarch 23, 1965. 'Collision on theField'. Cooney'sBookkeeping I and 11 classesIRMA MARJORIE JONESJonesyPep Squad 1; Chorus 1January 25, 1966 with Georgeand his '56 Ford. Themorning talks before school inthe basementsJANET L. KELLSJanFuture Nurses' Club 4; Band 1,2, 3, 4; Intramural Volleyball 2Fun with the gang in band.Four years of education andfun at BMHS41MARY KELLYNational Honor Society 3, 4;Yearbook Staff; Science Club;French Club; Folksinging Club3; Ski Club 2LINDA ANN KENISTONSamChorus 1; A. 3February 19, 1966:.
A cer-tain boyEDWARD KILLEENWipe-OutVarsity and J. Cross Coun-try; Spring and Winter Track;1964-65 Science FairFreshman-Sophomore Dance. Cross CountryKAREN MARIE KLINGPep Squad 1, 2, 3, 4; Home-room Representative 2; Dra-matic Club 4; Junior PromCommitteeMy Junior Prom. Summerof '65 and M. MyFreshman year and The LakeVALERIE F.
KROLValFolksinging Club 3; SpanishClub 3; Spanish ChristmasChorus 1, 2, 3January 10, 1965. Marchi's art classes.Saturday football gamesDIANE LANDERSFootball games with Tewks-bury. BostonROBERT KINSMANBobNational Honor Society 3, 4;Ski Club; Football 3, 4; Wres-tling 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4;Cross Country 1Ski tripsCRAIG E. KNOWLESNational Honor Society, 3,Vice-president 4; Football 1;Wrestling 3, 4; Junior PromDecorating CommitteeAll my science classes, espe-cially Chemistry I and 11 withMr. The football andhockey games42DAVID LASKEYThe time I cheered in the rallyJOSEPH A. LAURIONScience Fair 1, 2, 3, 4; Photog-raphy Club President 3, 4;Yearbook Staff 4Pat, Donna, and A I. BillBaileyDIANNE LAVERYDinahJ.
Basketball 1, 2; J. V.Field Hockey 2: Cheerleader 3,Co-Captain 4; Yearbook Staff;Homeroom Representative 1,2; Pep Squad 1, 2Cheering for BMHS. TheJunior Prom.
The CrowdPATRICIA A. LEEPattiPep Squad 4; Dramatic Club 4Summer of '65. LarryTIMOTHY E.
LEEChorus 1, 2, 3; Ski Club 1, 2,3; Wrestling 3; HomeroomRepresentative 2, 3Junior Prom. A long nightMURRAY LeLACHEURDebate Club 1, 2; ScienceClub (Sigma Rho Pi) 1, 2, 3;Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2,3, 4; Homeroom Representa-tive; Driver Education SafetyCommitteeSummer of '66 — York Beach.
Cain's English class. CommodoreDORIS ANN LEVADodieSummer of '66. September18, 1966. A certain some-oneWILMA M.
L1NSCOTTChorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Squad 3;'Bye Bye Birdie.' Dave. August 26, 196643CHARLENE G. A.; Pep Squad 3Senior Prom 19b6LINDA A. LITTLEHomeroom Representative 3,4; Vice-president, FutureTeachers' Club 2: Bowling;VolleyballJunior PromBYRON LOHNESWrestlingLinda. All the kids fromPinehurstRAYMOND LYONSRayBaseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 3,4Freshman Baseball.
Alge-bra I with Mr. KafanJ?BRENDA L. May 22, 1966.Summer of '66. FootballgamesBARBARA MAJORBarbPep Squad 1, 2, 3, 4: DramaticClub 2; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Home-room Representative 1, 2; Jun-ior Prom CommitteeNovember 5, J 965. Junior PromCONSTANCE M.MALANDRINOConnieBaton twirler 2, 3, 4; FutureNurses' Club 3, 4, President 4;Yearbook Staff; NewspaperStaff 3; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4;Pep Squad 3, 4Twirling the summer of '64. Junior Prom. CertainboyJEANNE E.
Cain's Period 2III Class. SacredHighEnglishHeart44SANDRA MARCHANTSandyOctober 16, 1966. Goingto my Sophomore English IIClassMICHAEL P. McCARRONMikeBaseball 1; J. Football 1;German Club 3, 4; Ski Club 2,3, 4; Spanish Club 2The good side in German IPATRICIA MASCIANICAP. G.Yearbook StaffJune 11, 1966. Miss Jahnle.
A certainSteno I classJOHN McKENNACraterFootball 1, 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3,4; Basketball 1Skipping school with Don andEd. S nelson's EnglishIV classWILLIAM F.
MATHESONBillJunior Prom CommitteeMy Junior year. The GangJOHN McFARLANDFarmer JohnCross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Win-ter Track 1, 2, 4; Spring Track1, 2, 4; Office Practice Man-ager 4; Student Leader 4Junior Prom. Annette.February 19, 1966. Run-ning cross country with Mr.SamsonRONALD MATTOSRubberJ. FootballThe J.
Football game thatwe wonELAINE M. McGOWANFuture Nurses' Club; Ski Club;Future Teachers' Club; SpanishClubMrs. Houghton's Spanish class45SHEILA L.
MILLERSheJunior Prom Committee 3July 11, 1965. Junior Prom.Bud. Shorthand IJILL CHRISTINEMONAHANPep Squad 1, 2, 3, 4; DramaticClub 1, 2, 4; Homeroom Rep-resentative 1, 4, Alternate 2, 3;Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior PromDecorating CommitteeA special boy. Two JuniorProms. My Sophomoreyear. Penney's gen-eral business class.
Myfreshman homeroom. A-lunch in my Senior yearMARY COLLEENMcNULTYColleenPep Squad 1, 2, 3; Cheering 4;Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4Buddy J. June 1,1965 and May 23, 1966.Our Proms. The six of usNICOLA MICOZZINickFootball 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling3; Homeroom Representative3; Student Council 3, 4; Year-book Staff; Gym Leader 3, 4Playing football in '66. Acertain girlCHARLINE L. MIRABELLAField Hockey 1; Spanish ClubMarshfieldJOSEPH MONTERISICHERYL L.MONTGOMERYCharlotteSummer of 1965 with L. MORELGoofyPep Squad 1, 2, 3, 4Motor scooters.
SeniorProm of 1965. A boy inViet Nam.
M-corridor sink. Boathouse dances.Summer of '63-6446RICHARD MORRILLDickJAMES MOUNTMountyGym Leader 4DONNA M. MUISEField Hockey 1; Chorus 1, 2;A. 2; German Club 3, 4Summer of '66BARBARA T.
MULLIGANBarbNational Honor Society 3, 4;Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball2; G. Member 4; SpanishClub 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers'Club 2, 3, 4; Basketball andVolleyball Intramurals 2, 3, 4My Junior PromMARY C.
MULCAHEYBaton Twirling 1Labor Day weekend and sum-mer of 1966. Ronnie fromReading. The Pinehurstgang. Football games andvictory ridesJOHN A. NELSON, JR.JackA.
2, 3, 4; Dramatic So-ciety 4; Data Processing 4Fun and memories in the audi-torium. Hi, to all the guysand a certain number of girls!JOSEPH G. Martin's English class of'62 and '63. Piche'sclass of '63-64BARBARA NEALPussycatDramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Pres-ident 4; A. 2, 3, 4; Span-ish Club 2; Travel Club 2, 3, 4My first ride on a Yamaha. Gym classes with the'Dingbats'. King Caracta-47HamROBERT NIMSNimsieLast year's Senior Prom.Skipping class.
Terry.Summer of '66. Wyman'sBeachMARY J. NUTTALLNational Honor Society 3, 4;Band 1; Pep Squad 4; PromCommittee; Homeroom Alter-nate 3Fuzzy. July 13, 1964.Junior Prom. Summer of'66PATRICIA O'BRIENO'BScience Fair 2; Pep Squad 2February 12, 1965. June 3,1965. BobbySANDRA O'BRIENSandiMrs.
Cassin's English classMr. Myles' homeroomROBERT O'KEEFEBobBand 1, 2, Captain 3, 4; J. V.Baseball; Varsity WrestlingThe summer of '66. PatDEBORAH ORNEDebDecorating Committee 1;Homeroom Alternate 2Mr. Myles' homeroom.Arttrip. Freshman yearERWIN D.
3; Chorus 3; JuniorProm CommitteeThe fun we had at WhalomPark, mainly with J. Senior YearDAVID PATTERSONDaveBasketball 1, 2, 3, 4French I with Mr. Lunch48AYNE N. PATTERSONVoodpeckercience Club 2, 3, 4; Decorat-ig C o m m i 1 1 e e; Intramural'olleyball and Basketball 3atin with Magnus Purpleusiartinus.
English III withIrs. A Certain BoySenior Prom '66KmWILLIAM PEAKEBillPresident of A. 3; Dra-matic Club 2, 3, 4; FolksingingClub; Pep Squad; OfficeWorker; Senior Class Play 2, 3Variety show in '65JEAN PERREAULTD. J.National Honor Society 3,Treasurer 4; Yearbook Staff;Student Reporter for theLowell Sun; Homeroom Repre-sentative 1, 2, 3, 4; JuniorProm Decorating Committee;Student Council Representative3The Gang.
Football andhockey games. Mrs.Cooney's bookkeeping classes. 'Sweet William' of theProm party. The Dingbats. Beating Masconomet.' The Death of Julius Caesar'.
Class ProjectsNANCY PERRYNanIntramural Basketball 1; Li-brary Assistant 3May '64 — Maine. Coast Guard Trip with R.T. Cassin's EnglishclassANET PETERSntramural Volleyball 2; Pepquad 3, 4; Future Nurses':iub 41y junior year with a certainoyMICHAEL PETERSMikeA. Football 3;Pep Squad 4; Junior PromDecorating CommitteeGetting up early and going toschool. Cassin's Eng-lish II classCHARLIE PHAIRSki Club 1, 2, 3, 4; TravelClub 2, 3, 4; PhotographyClub 2, SecretaryThose wonderful schoollunchesPAULA PHINNEYBowling 1, 2, 3; Pep Squad;Field Hockey 3; Ski Club 4;Junior Prom Decorating Com-mittee; Track 2The football games of '65 and'66. Summer of '6649JOANNE CHARLENEPLESKOWJCZNational Honor Society 3, 4;Student Council Representative4; Homeroom Representative1; 'The Death of Julius Cae-sar;' 'Bye Bye Birdie;' FrenchClubD. And the Dingbats.Irving II.
King Karactacus. Martin's Latin classesPATRICIA PRICEPattiNational Honor Society 3, 4;All Varsity Sports 2, 3, 4,Field Hockey, Captain 4; ClassPresident 1, 2, 3; YearbookStaff; Leaders' Club; FrenchClubAshby 2-26-66. FieldHockey with Miss Clark.Lorraine and I staying out until3 a.m. Rides in Wilming-ton with the 'Beetle'. /Icertain boyMARIE PIETRELLAA. A.; Dramatic Club; In-tramural Sports; Variety Show;Pep Squad; Ski Club2 D's.
Junior year,.Football and basketball games. July 7, 1966PATRICIA PITTAFuture Nurses' Club 4; A. 2Gym with Miss Hood and MissClark. Martin's LatinclassDONNA MARIE POWERSPep Squad 2, 3, 4; DramaticClub 2, 3, 4; Cinematic Vari-ety Show 3; Junior Prom Dec-orating CommitteePaul. A certain splashparty in '65. My JuniorProm.
My Junior yearMICHAEL RALSTONMikeSki Club 2, 3; Wrestling 4September 24, 1966. Vic-tory ride through Tewksbury. Going to Kemp's duringlunchSHARON ELAINE RAYSqueakyCheerleading 3, Co-Captain 4;Library Assistant 2; Pep Squad1, 2; Variety Show 1B/7/y. November 6, 1965.
Cheerleaders' Hop.October 1, 1965. Mrs.Penney' s Shorthand I classMARCELYN REEVESMarcyField Hockey 3; Basketball 2;Intramural Sports 2, 3; PepSquad 3, 4; Girls' Spring Track2Life with Miss Clark.Summer of '66. Drums!50DIANE RICHARDSONThe Junior Prom of '66NEVILLE A. RIVETNevBasketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1,2, 3, 4; Ski ClubSummer of '66. Spanishclass 2, 2, 3GEORGE E. ROBERTSRobSpring Track; Cross Country;Winter Track, 2, 3, 4; DriverEducation Committee 3Mr.
Samson's track team.Junior Prom. A certain girlEARLE ROBINSONRobbyBaseball 1, 2, 3, 4; JuniorProm Committee; Driver Edu-cation CommitteeMr. Gill's woodworking classDONNA RONGONEMrs. Cassin's English classSummer of '66STEPHEN RYAN ROOPSteveNational Honor Society 3, 4;Yearbook Staff; Key Club 3,Secretary 4; German Club 3, 4;French Club 3, 4; StudentCouncil 3; Class Representative1, 2, 3Junior Prom weekend.Mutti. Sweet William I.
A party and a broken deer. Class projects. Fresh-man biology. S-13.The GangDAVID C.
ROBINSONNational Honor Society 3, 4;Key Club 3, President 4; Ger-man Club 3, 4; Math League3, 4; Yearbook Staff; LiteraryMagazine, Editor 4The faculty. Four years ofwork and fun. Piche's English II class. Skipping class and goingto Mr. Snelson's class51MAPI ITT A MM DliriMCVMICHAEL J. ROOTBitskoDriver Ed.
Sedar.Ron Dor I. Slipping andsliding in the showerROBERT ROUINESoxVarsity Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4;Varsity Baseball I, 2, 3, 4;Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4Driver Ed. Sedar.Slipping and sliding in theshowerDONNA EVELYN RUANEMuffSki Club 3; Pep Squad 3;Folksinging Club 3Jeff. Fall and winter of1965 at Woolworth's.Summer of 1962. Big DMARLITT ANN RUCINSKIMartyHomeroom Representative 2,3; Student Council Representa-tive 4; Pep Squad 2; Ski Club2; Library 3A certain boy.
Summer of 1966. August 16, 1966.
Allthe good times with C.Y.O. South Plainfield, New Jer-seySUZANNE RUDYSuziePep Squad 1; Dramatic Club 1;Science FairBuddy. July 3rd and 4th1966. September23, 1966JOANNE MARIERUGGIEROLittle JoNational Honor Society 3, 4;Library 3; Secretary forTeachers 3, 4Mrs. Cooney's Bookkeeping 1.P.J. Party and joyride ofSeptember 16, 1966 with J. In theBombANTHONY SAMSELTonyPhotography Club, Secretary 3,4June 17, 1966.
'DaveClark 5 Concert' Boston.July 21, 1966LINDA JEAN SANDBERGNational Honor Society 3, 4;Future Teachers' Club 1, 2Initiation into the NationalHonor Society52DANIEL R. SARNODanFreshman Football; J. Base-ball; Spring Track; Wrestling 3,4; Cross CountryTwo years on the wrestlingteam. Slipping and slidingin the showerDOROTHY SCOTTScottiePep Squad 2, 3; YearbookStaff; Junior Prom Committee;Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3; Home-room Representative 1, 2, 3, 4;Intramural Sports 1, 2February vacation Junior year. School hockey games.Prom night. April 20, 1966RAYMOND J.
SAULNIERRayVarsity Football; HockeyLinda. Freshman Englishclass with Mr. O'Regan.Summer of '62IRENE SHATTUCKTravel Club 2, 3, 4Fall of '65. July 26, 1966.
My Junior yearPHILIP J. Cassin's English 11 classPAUL EUGENE SHIBLESNational Honor Society 3, 4;Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; CrossCountry 2, 3; Track 2; KeyClub, Treasurer 3, 4; MathLeague 2, 3, 4JOSEPH SCHINDLERJoeFootball 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2,3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Basketball1J. Baseball with 'Chuck'KENNETH F. SHORTKenSummer of '6653PAULA JEAN SKELTONField Hockey 1, 2United Nations trip. Sum-mer I got my licenseRICHARD SMALLOtisBoys' Leaders Club 2, 3, 4;Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3,Captain 4Mary Agnes, better known asLoie. Kay's hutchFRANCIS SILVAFrankCafeteria Work 1, 2, 3, 4Carol. English IIFour years of auto shopSummer of '66JAMES E.
SILVAJimChristmas Pageant 2, 3Spanish III. English III. Driver Education. SOLOMONPep Squad; Junior Prom Com-mitteeChristinas, 1964. Summerof '66. The BreezesCAROL L.
SOMMERSCheerleading 4; Pep Squad 1,2, 3; Dramatic Club 1, 2; In-tramural Basketball 2; Year-book Staff; Chorus 1, 2Johnny. February 15, 1963.
Cheeringfor BMHS. Junior Promweekend. Football games.
Tewksbury rally of '65. Salisbury BeachERNEST PAULSKOROPOWSKISkoupNational Honor Society 3, 4;Key Club 3, 4; French Club 3,4; Homeroom Representative,Alternative 3Mrs. Sheppard's English III. Physics and Mr. A.TONY SMITHMr.
Buckley's Junior mathclass54GEORGIA FRANCESSTEWARTTravel Club; Intramural Bas-ketball 1; Junior Prom Com-mittee; Office WorkA certain boy I met in the win-ter of 1964. C.Military Ball, December 4,1965. Joy-ride in the Bomb of September16, 1966 with J. Cooney'sbookkeeping classesSYLVIA A. SUTTONIntramural Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4;Spanish ClubMy Junior prom.
The sum-mer of '66LINDA C. SOMMERSNational Honor Society 3, 4;Cheerleading 4; Pep Squad 1,2, 3; Dramatic Club 1, 2;Prom Committees; IntramuralBasketball 1, 2; Yearbook StaffAlan. March 4, 1966.Summer of '66. Cheeringfor BMHS.
My Junioryear and Junior prom.Mrs. Cooney's classesLAWRENCE A. SOUZADinoBeing Manager of the footballteam under Chuck. Sandy,June 1, 1966CHRISTINA ANNSULLIVANMoosePep Squad 3My typing class with Mr.Goodrowm mmAMY CLAIRE SYKESSpanish Club 2, 3; FutureNurses' Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Treas-urer 2, 3Fun in the '59 Ford.
TheJunior prom. My fouryears at BMHSROBERT S.
TALUTISBig TFootball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball1, 2, 3, 4; Student LeaderSummer of my Junior year. July 6, 1966JOYCE TAYLORVolleyball 1, 2October 20, 1964.Senior prom in '63Sophomore yearAlMy55PAUL TAYLORGerman Club 3Junior Prom. Chemistrywith Mr. TERRUSOAnnHomeroom Representative 2;Pep Squad 1; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4;Junior Prom CommitteeAugust 9, 1964, and Russ.Theology talks in S-10.Cafeteria with Kathy. Jun-ior Prom and the day after. S carLAURICE MARYTHORNTONLauriePep Squad 1, 3; A.
2March 21, 1964. Vinny'sJunior Prom. Trip toCanada in 1966RICHARD J. TONKSRichCross Country 2; Science Club3, 4; A. July 5, 1965.Driver Ed.JOHN W.
TRACHIMTrack-him-downBeing pushed in the corridors. My compact locker.All the teachersMARYANN ANTONETTETUCCIToothDramatic Club 2, 3, 4; PepSquad 1, 2, 3, 4; Library As-sistant 2, 3; Junior Prom Com-mittee; Homeroom Alternate 3,4; Variety Show 2, 3, 4My Freshman year with theSeniors in the cafeteria.Night of the 'Seven Wanderers'ROBERTA TURNERBobbiField Hockey 2, 3, 4; J. Bas-ketball 2; Softball 2Field Hockey and Basketballwith Miss Clark. Ash byTournament of '65. Lock-ers on the G floorMARTHA D. UPDYKEMartyChorus 1, 2, 3; Pep Squad 1, 2;Literary Magazine 4; JuniorProm CommitteeMrs.
Splaine's Bookkeeping Iand II. Podaras's English 111.A and B lunch shifts56LYNBETH M. VALLEYLynPep Squad 1, 2, 3, 4; DramaticClub 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4;Science Club 2. 3, 4; Folksing-ing ClubStubum. The Lake.Billy's White Cementmixer. Frappes on Karen's frontseat. Victory rides.
4-28-66SYLVIA CATHERINEVIOLETTESylFreshman Basketball; Chorus;Future Teachers' Club 3, 4;Newspaper Staff 4M-39. Lunch room. St.Patrick's DayMARTIN VOSHELLHomeroom Representative 3;Student Council Representative4; Key Club, Treasurer 3, 4Mrs. Sheppard's English classDI ANN WAGNERDee DeeGerman Club; Ski Club; Span-ish ClubJuly 18, 1965. May 7, 1966. Lockers on the G floor.
Carlino's Spanishclass. Taseos' geome-try classMALCOLM KIRK WAINNational Honor Society 3,President 4; Hockey 3, 4;Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Boys' GymLeader 4; Homeroom Repre-sentative 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2Mr. Fournier's biology class. February, 1966. S-13.Saturday night hockey games. Junior PromJEANNE WALSHField Hockey 1, 2, Manager 3;Basketball 1, 2; IntramuralSports 1, 2, 3; Pep Squad 1, 2,3Paul.
WARDWhite RatJunior Prom CommitteeMy Junior year. Mrs.Sheppard's English 111 class.Summer of '66GENE F. WATERSWild shop class of '65-66My first car, 'The Cad'57JOHN L. 2, 3, 4, Treasurer;Wrestling 3; 'Bye Bye Birdie;'Diary of Anne Frank;' PepSquad 4; Cinematic VarietyShowWrestling. English 3.Biology. The showsJUDITH ANN WOODINGBrenda, WoodpeckerField Hockey 1, 2, 3; Basket-ball 2; Intramural Sports; PepSquadBasketball with Mr. Football games.
Mr.Perron's class. NavyANN MARIE WEITZAnnJunior Prom Committee; PepSquad 2, 3, 4Buttons. May 7, 1965.Sophomore year. 'The Crowd'.Tewksbury Rally of '65ROBERT E. WIGERIVAN EDEMASummer of '66BARBARA M. YOUNGBarbieCheerleading; Pep Squad;Homeroom Representative;Junior Prom Committee; Dra-matic ClubMy Junior Prom. SeniorProm of '66.
Cheering.Tewksbury Rally of '65.New York— July 4, 1965SUSAN L. BROWNJOHN WOODINGWoodyKey Club; Student Council,Vice-president 3, President 4;Spanish ClubSummer of '66. Car-lino's Spanish III class.Jaycees' Golf TournamentDEBORAH J. YARNELLDebbiePep Squad 1, 2, 3, 4; JuniorProm Committee; DramaticClubChris. Freshman andSophomore years. My Jun-ior Prom. Tewksbury Rallyof '65.
Frappes on Karen'sfront seat58PAULA E. KENNEYFour years at BMHSThanksgiving Rally of 1966KATHLEEN O'MAHONEYROBIN ROSSEROLIVE M.
SMITHOllieFrench Club 4; Chorus 2, 4;Variety Show 2; FutureNurses' Club 3, 4Finding my true friendsthrough GeneALBERT FINN NANCYA I July 10,!Ski Club 4; German Club 3, 4 1966.Graduating of the SeMORRIS7966. The nightven WanderersJOSEPH FERRANDIJoeFootball 1, 3, Co-Captain 4;Track 3; Band 1, 2, 3; Baseball4Being able to play football atThanksgivingCARL MESSINABasketball 1; Baseball 1, 2, 3,4; Football 3Summer of 1966. CharleneBaby Pictures1. Lorraine Arseneaux25.Jerry Baker49Steve Battcock2.
Gary Bishop26.Daniel Sarno50David Patterson3. Jayne Biagiotti27.Bob Talutis51.Donna Ruane4. Irene Morel28.Timothy Lee52Claudia Cutrone5. Laurice Thornton29.Mary Nuttall53.Diane Hibbard6.
Words for evil. RELATED WORDS AND SYNONYMS FOR EVIL. Pandora's box. Noun evils that are hidden. Adjective immoral.
Janet Barrett30.Danner triplets54.John and Anna Terruso7. Richard Small31.Carolyn Gjertsen55.Deborah Orne8. Mary Mulcahey32.Annette and Susette56.Linda Brown9.
Mary Colleen McNultyFonseca57.Valerie Krol10. Lorraine Jenkins33.Linda and Carol Sommers58.Paula Skelton11. Malcolm Wain34.Linda Keener59.Cynthia Hart12.
Clark Harvey35.Catherine Alari60.Eileen Hynes13. Ann Weitz36.James Silva61.Dodie Leva14. Connie Malandrino37.DiAnn Wagner62.Diane Arakelian15. Sharon Farrell38.Gayle Chubb63.Maryann Tucci16. Dottie Scott39.Michael Peters64.Sandra Marchant17. Donna Celeste40.Lynbeth Valley65.Kathy Collins18.
Frances Fowler41.Margaret Dolan66.Marie Burke19. Wilma Linscott42.Kathy Cooney67.Elaine McGowan20. Sharon Ray43.Penny Cary68.Pam Bergeron21.
Joe Ferrandi44.Leslie Davison69.Steve Baroni22. Jimmie and Jackie Braley45.Jayne Patterson70.Larry Souza23. Donna Powers46.Sheila Miller24.
Eddie, Patty, and Maureen47.Patricia O'BrienLee48.Charlene PerryPlanningandWorkingTogetherKathy Cooney, Joe Laurion, Miss Jahnle Patti Price, Linda Brown, Lorraine BavisLorraine Jenkins, Linda Sommers, Cathy Alari, Carol Sommers,Jackie Braley, Peggy Dolan, Jean PerreaultStaff65NationalHonorSocietyPresident, Malcolm Wain; Vice-President, Craig Knowles; Secretary, JacquelineBraley; Treasurer, Jean Perreault; Advisers, Mrs. Ahern and Miss Splaine66Student CouncilPresident, John Wooding; Vice-President, James Graham; Secretary, Beth Holden; Treasurer,Linda Mulvey; Adviser, Mr. Goodrow67Future Teachersof AmericaPresident Mary Cormier; Vice-President, Charlene Perry; Secretary, Carol Bromberg; Treas-urer, Roxanne O'Connor; Adviser, Miss McCormackFutureNursesPresident, Connie Malandrino; Vice-President, Mary King; Secretary, Jane Rankin; Treasurer,Madeline Meehan; Adviser, Mrs.
Penney68President, Michael Coletti; Vice-President, Lynbeth Valley; Recording Secretary, RoxanneO'Connor; Corresponding Secretary, Louise Beede; Treasurer, Jayne Patterson; ProgramChairman, Angela Carbone, Adviser, Mr. Alcott69Advisers, Mr. DiGloria and Mr. DeLucaCaptain, Margaret Dolan; Co-Captain, Donna RayTwirlers70Advisers, Mrs. Penney and Mr. MoorePep Squad71French ClubPresident, Linda Dow; Vice-President, Stephen Roop; Secretary,Sandra Blanchard; Treasurer, Paulette Eichmeier; Adviser, Miss Belcher9 JJLp.
JL&President, Penny Cary; Vice-President, Robert Meagher; Secretary, AudreyManning; Treasurer, Susan Fayton; Adviser, Mrs. AhemGerman ClubSpanish ClubPresident, James Silva; Vice-President, Charlene Perry; Secre-tary, Richard Wackro; Treasurer, Charles Faria; Adviser, Mr.Carlino73President, Barbara Neal; Secretary, Marilyn Blanchard; Treasurer, Judy Mutchler; Adviser,Miss McKinleyDramatic Club7475Data ProcessingKey Punch Class76GuenardPhotography ClubPresident, Mike Barnhart; Vice-Presi-dent, Murray LeLacheur; Secretary,Lynbeth Valley; Treasurer, ArjaneBarge; Adviser, Mr. SnelsonSki ClubReflectionsEditors, Penny Cary and Dave Rob-inson; Adviser, Mr. Snelson78Folksinging ClubPresident, Ginny Cooke; Vice-President, Dotty Winn; Secretary, Cherie Akkerman; Treasurer,Frances Rosser; Adviser, Mr. Marchi79Pat Robertson, Linda Knowles,Darcey Clark, Laurel Canty,Joanne Tilton, Joe Laurion,Carl Tobey, Madeline Meehan,Margie Wheaton, Bill Walsh,Bob Meagher, Mr. Ad-viserWannalancit StaffPresident, Eileen Hynes; Vice-Presi-dent, Debra Ouelette; Secretary,Jacqueline Braley; Treasurer, JoanneBaroni; Kathy Cooney, Angela Car-bone, Brenda Dickinson, LorraineBavis, Barbara Mulligan, and LouiseBeede (Committee Chairmen andMembers-at-Large)G.A.A.FootballBaseballBasketballHockeyTrackWrestlingSoftballCross CountryField Hockeym IF IBob RouineBob TalutisROW I: Battcock, D'Arrigo, Mastrullo, Sullivan, John Gallagher, Small, Ferrandi, Fleming,Jim Gallagher, Flannery, R. Talutis, Rouine, Micozzi.
Ralph,Albrecht, Carmichael, Lyons, Barge, J. Talutis, Boyson, Fraser, Cochran, Salowsky, Carlton,James Jenkins, Jeff Jenkins, Schindler, Glaser, Walters, R. Kinsman, Innis, Bolton, Eagles,Coach Whitley. ROW 3: Crosby, Cobb, Saraceno, F. Kinsman, D'Addeo, Hamilton, Stewart,Card, Lungo, Duby, Morris, Honnors, Roach, Gerty, DellucciVarsityJunior VarsityGIRLS' VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAMThe 1966-67 girls' varsity basketball concluded its seasonwith an overall record of 14 wins and 5 losses and finishedsecond in the Merrimack Valley Conference with a 6-1 rec-ord.
Billerica conducted the Small High Schools Girls' Bas-ketball Tournament, formerly held in Ashby, and was Run-ner-up with undefeated Acton-Boxborough defeating us inthe final minutes of play, 35-32. Captain Lorraine Bavis andJoanne Baroni were selected to the All-Tourney Team andJoanne Baroni was the recipient of the Tournament's MostValuable Player Award. Although not individually recognized,additional credit should be given for outstanding playing toseniors Barbara Mulligan on offense, and Patricia Price ondefense, and sophomores Pat Robertson and Rose Brantleyon defense not only throughout the tournament but alsothroughout the season. In addition to Lorraine Bavis, PattiPrice, Barbara Mulligan and Joanne Baroni, other seniorswho will be truly missed are Eileen Hynes, Bobby Turner,Kathy Cooney and last but not least, our very efficient man-ager, Jackie Braley. While not a championship season, it wasrelatively successful, and most enjoyable.Girls Varsity Won & Lost RecordBilerica18Acton41Bilerica45Westford19Bilerica37Tewksbury24Bilerica44Alumni47Bilerica47Westford28Bilerica37Chelmsford20Bilerica33No. Andover24Bilerica19Acton42Bilerica.36Wilmington29Tournament ScoresBilerica49Groton34Bilerica43No.
Middlesex24Bilerica32Acton35(♦indicates League Games)89Neville Rivet Co-Captain, jj m Boulton Chuck CochranRicky Small91t.Coach, Mr. JamesVarsityJunior VarsityCoach, Mr.
PodarasFreshmenCoach, Mr. Jahnle93Cross CountryThis year, the Varsity Cross Country Team again did anexcellent job. The Harriers led by Captain Walter Belvilleand Co-Captain Paul Belville carried the team to a record ofeight wins and one loss in dual meet competition.
During thewhole season, injuries hampered the team; but they stillmanaged to keep their winning streak going to forty-fivestraight dual meets (in three seasons) only to lose toChelmsford in the last race of the season because of aninjury to a key runner.Varsity team members were Walter Belville (Sr.), SteveLatham (Jr.), Joe Bradford (Soph.), Paul Belville (Jr.),John McFarland (Sr.), Ed Smith (Jr.), Bob Gallagher(Jr.). Roger Hubert (Jr.), Keith Dixon (Jr.), George Rob-erts (Sr.), Joe Miller (Manager).The Junior Varsity also had a successful season, winningeight dual meets and losing one.A Freshman Division was entered in the Catholic Memo-rial invitational meet in Boston, and Billerica was the recipi-ent of the first place award. The Freshman Harriers ranagainst twenty other schools (140 runners competing). GaryAndrews came in 8th place; Bud Aroni came in 9th place;Dean Rivet, (19th); Billy Burke, (35th); Stanley Mc-Dougall, (41st); Andy Micozzi, (66th); Art Montgomery,(78th).Joseph Bradford also won a trophy coming in 6th place inthe Sophomore Division.The team, losing only three runners out of twenty-two, islooking forward to another good season next year.gfi Coach Samson; Captain, Walter BelvilleVarsity Meet ResultsBillerica20Burlington36Billerica22Methuen34Billerica26Wilmington32Billerica25N. Andover31Billerica27Andover28Billerica22Tewksbury35Billerica16Dracut44Billerica28Nashua N.H.29Billerica34Chelmsford25Junior Varsity ResultsBillerica16Burlington46Billerica15Methuen50Billerica15Wilmington50Billerica15N. Andover50Billerica17Tewksbury38Billerica15Andover50Billerica19Dracut40Billerica20Nashua N.H.38Billerica34Chelmsford21George Roberts, Captain Belville, John McFarland97SpringTrackCoaches, Mr. Piche and Mr.
MartinFred Latham and Alan Arakelian were electedCo-captains for the 1966 Track season. Fred andAlan performed well for the Indians during theseason — Alan winning the outstanding track per-former award. Fred Latham went through theseason undefeated in his event, the 880 (quartermile).The Track team didn't come into its own untilthe latter part of the season.
After amassing a 3-7record, the trackmen placed fifth in the Merri-mack Valley Championship.The 1966 Varsity Field Hockey team withPatricia Price, Captain, and Mrs. Winters, Coach,compiled an acceptable record of 4 wins, 1 tie,and 3 losses. The highlight of the season was de-feating the previously undefeated Methuen teamby a score of 3-1. Leading scorer for the teamwas Lorraine Bavis with 7 goals with RobertaTurner, Laurel Canty, Margaret Wheaton, andBrenda Dickinson contributing to the remainingscoring efforts. Seniors leaving the squad are Pa-tricia Price, Lorraine Bavis, Roberta Turner, andEileen Hynes. Returning letter winners for nextyear's squad will be Angela Carbone, Captain-elect, Brenda Dickinson, Joanne Olsen, LaurelCanty, Kathleen McCarthy, Patricia Robertson,and Margaret Wheaton. Other returning memberswill be Debra Ouellette, Louise Beede, and RoseBrantley.The Junior Varsity squad coached by MissFoley compiled the een record of 2 wins, 2 ties,and 2 losses.
From their past playing experiencesmany of these girls will complete the 1967 Var-sity roster.7966 Varsity Field Hockey RecordBillericaBillericaBillericaBillericaBillericaBillericaBillericaBillericaWestfordMethuenTewksburyN. AndoverChelmsfordAndoverWilmingtonDracutEileen HynesLorraine BavisPatti PriceRoberta TurnerCaptain Price and Coach WintersBreazeale100ISong HitsSuperlativesHistoryCan You Imagine.Candids107108109Songs and MemoriesCATCH US IF YOU CAN Track teamTURN!