
Archeage Forum

1 Jan 2000admin
Archeage Forum Rating: 5,0/5 4786 reviews

. WhitespaceArcheAge is a medieval fantasy massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Korean studio,. It is available for North American, European, Australian, Russian, and Korean players.The English version of the freemium game (NA/EU/Australia) is available on and.ArcheAge: Unchained, a single purchase version, is available as of October 15, 2019 through. RULES.

ArcheAge ArcheAge is the ultimate F2P fantasy-sandbox MMORPG. ArcheAge isn't about following a predefined path, it's about creating a world by choosing the things that matter to you - from the starting continents of Haranya and Nuia to the lost shores of Auroria, the birthplace of magic.

Do not violate the reddiquette. Adhere to standards and behaviors online that you would follow in real life. Don’t be rude, harass, threaten and/or insult others.

Edgeworld game closing down. Don’t post someone’s personal information, especially if it can be used to harm others. Don't start a witch hunt (e.g.

. WhitespaceArcheAge is a medieval fantasy massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Korean studio,. It is available for North American, European, Australian, Russian, and Korean players.The English version of the freemium game (NA/EU/Australia) is available on and.ArcheAge: Unchained, a single purchase version, is available as of October 15, 2019 through. RULES. Do not violate the reddiquette. Adhere to standards and behaviors online that you would follow in real life.

Don’t be rude, harass, threaten and/or insult others. Don’t post someone’s personal information, especially if it can be used to harm others.

Don't start a witch hunt (e.g. I have been resisting posting my concerns not because I feel I am in the wrong doing so, but because I was hoping my long post in Constructive Criticism Thread would have been taken more seriously.At this point many people are being banned on the official forums for reasons that are not publicly being displayed.

Talking about a GMs actions on the forums is reason enough to be removed from the official forums, also using an alt to try and get your main account unbanned is also bannable, since you are taking about a GMs action.This rule needs to be removed to facilitate a healthy forums environment. This is literally an extreme form of censorship. With this rule in place there is no way for the community to counter a GMs action.

Trion's customer service is too slow to be effective. I am posting here because I will be banned posting on the official forums. I agree with this.What really is sad is that Trion is banning people who provides constructive criticism for their game, which can use a lot of improvement. Trion seems to be in that state of mind where they don't want to hear anything bad because it offends them (Or something like that).

Basically, they are acting like children. Give me all that honeydicking, but no criticism. An environment like this is almost always detrimental to the person at the center of it, and it most certainly is for Trion.If Trion wants to improve their game, they need to start by looking at the people who are handling their game, mainly Celestrata. If you keep censoring users who are trying to help progress the game in a better direction, the game will never go in any good direction.The forums used to be a good place to provide feedback (Even though every one in 100,000 suggestions got implemented), but it has now become an echo chamber for how good Trion is(/sarcasm). It's unacceptable for a company to act like this, especially once which cares about how much money it makes.Also, food for thought: Trion might be doing this to attract new players to their Fresh Start in 3.0, which is soon.

They probably think that if new players don't see any of the bad stuff (Which is happening all the time), they will be more likely to come. Again, Trion is living in an imaginary paradise, which in reality is as dark a shithole as a shithole can get. Nice to see that my thread sparked some good discussion. Not so nice to see that Celestrata and the rest of the Trion crew are conducting business as usual.Celestrata has pretty much proved in this thread that Trion support/appeals ignores the majority of it's customers unless otherwise notified via Reddit or some other social media outlet. This makes the official forums pretty much useless. This is sort of like the echo chamber of Facebook news posts.the official forums are just a big circle jerk that ignore everything except dumb posts about cosmetics and non-serious issues.

Anything related to the game that isn't directly paid for (balance, exploits, quality of life, support) is blatantly ignored and usually removed if it shows exactly how Trion is acting with negligence.Celestrata's claims of posts containing 'constructive criticism' not being removed is a blatant lie and fuck you to the community to even try to say that. Every post I've ever made with 100% serious constructive criticism has been ignored or removed by a moderator with no explanation why, and I never included negative comments or threats to Trion or it's employees. Found this screen shot of the official forums from over a year ago.You can see that Trion ignored every single post about anything important. 'The Crimson Watch' post was somebody asking a question about how to start a quest and had an informative response from Quillodon.Threads about server balance, bugs on god's whip, ayanad designs, events, DX11, the list goes on and Trion ignored every single one of them as well as them some how having 1 star rating.Celestrata pretty much encapsulates this entire screenshot. Just look her name up. Shes at least 50-60 years old, and judging by her body shape, she most likely was never was very pretty to begin with. My personal experience has been that those are typically the kinds of women who 'hate' to be 'hit on' in game because they get jealous of the attention their own avatars get since it reminds them of all the attention they didn't get in real.Favorite part of the articleThe most dangerous assumption one can make about the community is that the disruptive, bellicose minority are representative of the whole.

They aren't, and one shouldn't underestimate just how much of a minority problematic figures really are.Ah yes, the evil vocal minority who must be ignored at all costs. Never mind the fact that almost every single mmo now a days has a 90% player drop off in the first month. Clearly people love your games and it's just a few no life losers who live in their mothers basements who have nothing better to do then to 'whine'.Such a convenient conclusion, and a completely delusional approach to community management: ignore the people who post complaints, and assume the silent majority is just super fucking satisfied even though declining account numbers reflect otherwise. If you ignore/ban the 'trolls' enough, then you will be left with a very small player base that will happily eat whatever shit you throw at them.