
Call Of War Hack

1 Jan 2000admin
Call Of War Hack Rating: 3,6/5 9810 reviews

Game # 1263360I've done battle with North Mexico in game # 1263360, every time he come up with doing something unexplainable.Instance #1A few weeks ago, I went to invade the eastern side of North America. Once I landed, North Mexico pushed eastward. However Even with 100% morale in my light tanks and even Armored Cars, his Light Tanks were twice as fast and my troops moving away from him.Instance #2During the North America skirmish, I stalled a large group of Light Tanks midway between cities with Anti Tank, Inf and Arty. Those troops were at 100% Morale and stalled his advancement so long that I had a chance to move onto that same road, an identical AT,AC,Inf group again with 100% morale. When he hit that first group, it stalled him for well over an hour. He finally defeated that first group and within 10-15 minutes ran into the second group I had blocking his path.

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THAT IDENTICAL SECOND GROUP LASTED LESS THAN 30 SECONDS EVEN THOUGH IT HAD LESS TANKS THAT WHEN THE FIRST GROUP OF AT,AC,INF WAS ENCOUNTERED.Instance #3This morning, Dec 9, 2015, A sub to sub battle broke out between me and North Mexico. It was One North Mexico Level 1 sub against One of my Level 4 Subs. That battle was going on long enough another one of my Level 4 subs to arrive and also for THREE of my Level 4 Destroyers with a Level 3 battle ship to arrive. ALL of the vessels -INDIVIDUALLY were within range of the North Mexico Level 1 Sub. All of my vessels were engaging the North Mexico sub. When My group of destroyers and the battleship arrived, that SINGLE North Mexico sub mysteriously TURNED INTO THREE SUBS!!! I was watching this battle making sure everything was engaging and fighting since I've had weird instances with North Mexico previously, I was paying attention to details, and the two North Mexico subs that joined the first North Mexico sub WERE NOT seen on the map.

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SUBS and Destroyers can detect other subs. So how did those subs get there???While that fight went on, my two level 4 subs were losing morale at a rapid rate, my 3 destroyers were loosing morale and even the battleship was losing morale. While the North Mexico sub group morale remained relatively steady in the mid 70's. This battle went on for HOURS, finally, as if someone went AFK (away from keyboard), suddenly the North Mexico Sub group morale started dripping very rapidly, more likely in accordance with the amount of strength my force was putting out, and I defeated the North Mexico subs. I wound up with 2 level 4 subs with less than 20% morale, Destroyers with Mid 70's morale, and the battleship in the upper 80's morale.

THREE LEVEL 1 SUBS RESISTED DESTRUCTION AND CAUSED THAT MUCH DAMAGE IN THE FACE OF THAT MUCH FIREPOWER!?!?Instance #4This evening. St John's, Newfoundland, I encountered yet another North Mexico sub with one of my Level 4 subs and they engaged in combat. On land there was two Anti-Tank guns, and a convoy truck that contained two Level 3 Naval Bombers. That planes were sitting in the convoy still because the Level 1 air base was damaged. I directed 5 destroyers and a battleship to assist, they were a couple hours out.

So I left for an hour. When I came back, the naval bombers are flying and bombing my sub, WHILE THE AIR BASE IS STILL A DAMAGED LEVEL 1 AIR BASE!!!! HOW CAN THOSE BOMBERS FLY OUT OF A DAMAGED LEVEL 1 BASE?????Instance #5The actual speed that North Mexico is capturing territories. It is quite mind boggling and just does not seem right or average with other players rates of territory capture.To me, these inconsistencies and strange happenings are leading me to believe that the North Mexico player has hacked the game.

By far, I'm not a senior player, but I have learned what units can do and cant do. I'm not saying I'm right and know everything, but these instances, I cannot find a reason why they happened the way they did. Hence thinking that the game has been hacked.Please look into this. I have spent a few hundred dollars on gold, mainly spending it in defense trying to get away from North Mexico and preping for North Mexico's eventual invasion. I like this game, I like how it works your brain, but something is off, something is wrong.

The North Mexico player needs to be monitored for TOS violations / hacking.Thank you and sorry for this very long post.bbOOmmm. Yes I know of the forced march speeding up the movement, I was also in forced march yet he was twice as fast still.Yes, re-enforcement subs could have been in the area, but I had destroyers all around plus the 2 subs, I did not notice the subs till the 1 turned to a 3.

Shouldn't the destroyers detected them before grouping up with the first sub. I mean, thats their job.50% air base repair to fly in and out. Ok, there is that one solved. I did not know that nor did I see that in the manual. Must have missed that.

Yes I know of the forced march speeding up the movement, I was also in forced march yet he was twice as fast still.Yes, re-enforcement subs could have been in the area, but I had destroyers all around plus the 2 subs, I did not notice the subs till the 1 turned to a 3. Shouldn't the destroyers detected them before grouping up with the first sub. I mean, thats their job.50% air base repair to fly in and out. Ok, there is that one solved. I did not know that nor did I see that in the manual. Must have missed that.First one then, I have no idea, second one, I thought about that. The latest 'something smells like a dead trout' is.Today's first instance)a one on one battle, a North Mex level 2 sub ( he upgraded ) against one of my level 4 subs.

I caught this just as the encounter happened so I was able to get screenshots with time and date stamps (my task bar clock). Both subs were at 100% morale at the start.


Quite rapidly the NM level 2 sub knocked 20% off my sub before I could even knock any% off his level 2. At one point I was almost 30% lower than his sub morale.I was hoping that this would end as a one on one so I could get a start to finish capture of how imbalanced his subs are against my level 4 subs, but he sent another sub to augment his morale; at that point I sent in a pair of destroyers I had sitting near by standing by for just this kind of situation. This battle started with the two subs at 11:58 AM CST and it is still going on as of 9:49 PM CSTThe NM subs are very resistant to taking on damage and I have concluded that the very obvious hack is to the defensiveness of the subs making them extremely hard to kill while they inflict damage upon the vessels that are doing battle with them no matter how much firepower you attack with.Today's second instance)After an all out battle for Newfoundland that lasted well over 7 hours due to the resistance to damage the subs have. In the battle were: My side - FOUR level 4 destroyers, TWO Level 4 subs, ONE level 4 Cruiser, ONE Level 3 Battleship Against North Mexico's lure, a transport followed by THREE level 2 Destroyers, TWO level 2 subs, and from shore 1 ground arty, 1 AT gunAt one point I got lured into a naval bomber trap, but was able to quickly get out of that and use that damaged sub to lure a destroyer into battleship range. But for the whole length of the battle, the destroyers and the Cruiser were fighting the North Mex subs. Both were in the red zone for morale, one went down, and a short time later, the other went off the map. I re-tasked the destroyers and the cruiser to go for the remaining NM destroyers.

About 10 to 15 minutes later, the NM sub I last killed, appeared in the same spot it last was, and had 8% left.You think that's odd. One destroyer broke from the combat and was retreating.

I sent my battleship and a 87% destroyed sub after the NM destroyer, using the forced march, I was able to get in range with the battle ship, attack, then force march, then attack again. My sub was under forced march the whole time and caught up with the NM destroyer before it entered the range of the NM naval bomber trap and it froze into position. With the battleship in now in range, The NM destroyer morale was quickly chopped down.When The NM destroyer broke free of the meelee, following the destroyer icon was the NM flag and the number 1. When I hit the NM destroyer with my sub and froze its movement, it still had the number 1 - indicating that it was single.

As I was watching this battle on my screen, watching the NM destroyer's morale getting into the red zone, in an instant, the icon changed to a NM sub and the morale went into the 80% range. Keep in mind while chasing the NM destroyer it was single with a number 1. Now if this NM destroyer was paired up with a NM sub, I could see this happening where the NM destroyer was sunk and a NM sub was left to fight, but that was not the case, this was a SINGLE NM destroyer that all of a sudden changed to a NM sub. A sub, who's defensiveness has been hacked to be far far more resilient that any other vessel.Seeing this happen in real time with my own eyes, I have made a decision.Since I do not want to video capture the events on my computer as proof of cheating/hacking, where the system owner and administrators SHOULD be able to monitor for such events and IP blacklist people who do such things, I'm no longer supporting this game with Bitcoin (virtual money that has real world cash value) and I would STRONGLY recommend to everyone, SAVE YOUR MONEY / BITCOIN. Spend it on a different game that is not skewed by cheats.Such a shame. I really liked this game.!!!!!!!!!

Today, once again, battling against the North Mexico subs. I killed two of them off; The NM subs disappeared from the map. I did not actually see the kills, but when I scrolled over to the area to check on things, the NM subs were gome. I re-tasked the destroyers and the cruiser, and then scrolled over the map to find and bring over a fresh sub, only scroll back to the battle scene and find that one of the dead subs RE-APPEARED, this time with far greater morale, greater than 40%, right where it sunk 5-10 minutes before.This is BULLSHITZEL!!!The game owner, the game admins.

All asleep at the wheel. Either they have no clue, no knowledge on about how to monitor for cyber intrusions to the server(s), they have no actual cybersecurity active on the servers, or they simply just don't care and have the mindset.' Hey, this is a cash cow! People pay to play, who cares about these hackers and crackers. The players are still playing and paying despite these instances.

Why spend the time and money to prevent cheating. Its just more money in our pockets is we ignore the cheating / hacking issues'I call on EVERYONE to PAY ATTENTION in the game. Watch your battles. If you see something weird happening. Just walk away from the game and play a different game that is not affiliated with this game's owner. When the game income starts to dwindle down, MAYBE THEN, they will do something about cheating / hacking.I'm done. Okay, firstly.

I see no hacking here. Ive been playing this game for a while now. Not once have I ever suspected there to be a hacker in any of my games. Secondly, subs are invisible unless they enter combat or spotted by a destroyer/naval bomber etc.

I would go check the newspaper to see the kills. Chances are you killed some of their units and they killed yours. What I suspect is that the second sub unit wasnt visible until it entered your units range of sight. I do hope that you enjoy the rest of that game.:D. Sir Squiggles, I was in combat with the NM subs with destroyers, a cruiser and subs. The NM sub dropped off the map as if it sunk, all my vessels that were fighting the NM sub showed in the status they were not engaging anyone, so the sub was sunk.

I re-tasked my vessels to move elsewhere, and just like last night, the sub re-appears, has greater morale than before it was sunk yet, has the same unit number. It was not a different unit that moved in.When a sub engages a vessel, it freezes that vessel in position, there was no way for the NM sub to dis-engage. Then to move out of the survailance area of the destroyers, subs and the cruiser, dump gold into the morale and come back in 5-10 minutes fight in the same position as it disapeared.Something is screwy, wether its a bug, an exploit or hacking. My money is on hacking because its ALWAYS North Mexico. No one else can do that in Game # 1263360. Unlike most players ( I assume), I'm on my computer playing this much of my awake hours and sometimes I wake in the middle of the night (in pain) and play.

I'm recovering from surgery so all I can do at this time is sit on my arse and play the game. No, my mind is not warped into seeing things because of pain meds. I took those for 2 days and then switched to Tylenol. I found I'm allergic to pain medsSo you see, I'm quite aware of things that happen, I'm always watching this addictive and mind challenging game. And I see this stuff happening as it happens.

Not with the mindset of 'How the heck did that happen' and assume cheating. There have not yet been any hacks. Period.You are assuming a hack, because you dont like what you see.You most likely lack the experience to judge the situations right, do not check the kills in the newspaper, do not check the damage during the fight, are not fully aware of how units move or until when they are invisible, etc.I think you are up against someone who knows the game well enough, while you still lack some knowledge and that makes 90% of the differences.It also seems you are so busy with staring at your belly-button, that you never even replied to my post.

Call Of War Cheat Download 2019 – Hack Easy GamesCall Of War Cheat is a program that will allow you to generate raw materials, money and gold. The program will save you time and money to improve your account. Call Of War Cheat was written based on the game code, so the antycheat program will not block you automatically.

They also mention an isometric environment in full 3D, weather effects, change of time, destructible environments' and 'physical water.' Find the first screenshots and more info after the jump.say the game will pit you and your tiny disposable soldiers against an international alliance of dictatorships. Cannon fodder 3 review. There will be levels set in space and on the moon. Codemasters, owners of the IP, have told that 'Plans to release outside of Russia and the CIS have yet to be announced.' A sequel to Sensible Software's classic series of Cannon Fodder games has been unveiled by Russian development team GFI.

The program works on a with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10. Call Of War Cheat is constantly updated to the current version of the game, so you do not have to worry about updating.

If you have any problems, write here, we will try to write back as soon as possible. Call Of War Cheat Download 2019 (About Call Of War)Call Of War to a browser game from the genre Strategy, War. The game was created by responsible for such titles as Supremacy 1914, Mars Tomorrow. Call Of War is a Free-To-Play game (you can play for free are optional micropayments). The game is embedded in two war climates.

At the beginning of the game, we choose which country we want to control. After the election, we will compete with other countries for dominance on the map. In Game we need to look after our economics to develop our country, the army and the satisfaction of the population in the provinces.