
Glory Of Heracles Walkthrough

1 Jan 2000admin
Glory Of Heracles Walkthrough Rating: 3,7/5 1394 reviews

The were a number of tasks that the mythical was told to complete by King. It all started when, who loathed for he was a living example of her husband's infidelities, drove the mad, making him kill his wife Megara and his children. When he realised what he had done, he deeply regretted it and went to the Oracle of to ask for penance. There, he was told to serve, king of Tiryns, for twelve years; if he completed all tasks he would be given, he would become immortal. Although did not like this as he considered to be a lesser person than himself, he decided to follow the Oracle's advice.When he arrived in Tiryns, initially asked to perform ten labours. These ten labours were:.

to kill the Nemean Lion,. to kill the Lernaean Hydra,.

Glory of Heracles features the eponymous Greek hero in a pick-up-and-play role-playing game that has a rich storyline in a Greek motif and a deep battle system. The story begins when Heracles washes up on a beach with amnesia.

to capture the Ceryneian Hind,. to capture the Erymanthian Boar,. to clean the stables of Augeas in one day,.

to kill the Stymphalian Birds,. to capture the,. to steal the,.

to steal the girdle of the queen of the, and,. to steal the cattle of the monster.Labour one: slaying the Nemean Lion. The Nemean lion was a terrible monster that roamed in the region of, capturing women as hostages and luring brave men to save them. When someone entered the lion's den and tried to free the woman, she would turn into the lion and eat the warrior alive. When arrived in a town of the region, he met a boy who asked him to kill the lion. He also told him that if killed the lion within a month, a lion would be sacrificed to; otherwise, the boy would sacrifice himself.eventually found the lion roaming, and shot many arrows against it. Fingers crossed images funny.

Only then did he realise that the lion's skin was impenetrable, and that his arrows would be of no use. So, he decided to follow it to its den. There, he blocked one of the two entrances to the cave and entered through the other. Fumbling in the dark, managed to find the lion; he stun it with his club and then he strangled it with his bare hands.After he had killed it, he thought of taking the impenetrable skin of the lion and use it as an armour. So, he managed to skin it with the help of the goddess, who advised him to use the lion's claw to remove the pelt. Wearing the lion skin, entered the city on the thirtieth day. Upon seeing him, was initially horrified, for he feared the lion was roaming in the streets of the city.Labour two: slaying the Lernaean HydraThe Lernaean Hydra was a fearsome monster that lived in the swamp of the lake.

It had been specifically raised by to kill. The Hydra had nine heads, one of which was immortal and the rest were mortal.The swamp was covered in a poisonous mist, so upon his arrival, put a cloth on his mouth and nose. To lure the Hydra out of its lair, the shot flaming arrows, achieving his intent. However, when he chopped one of the Hydra's heads, he realised in horror that two new heads would spring back.At that point, the felt hopeless, so he asked for the help of his nephew, Iolaus.

Iolaus, probably advised by the goddess who favoured the, thought of an idea and put it in action; as soon as would chop one of the monster's heads, Iolaus would cauterise the stump with a firebrand. The plan was successful; no more heads would appear., angry that her side was losing the battle, sent a huge crab to distract, which he simply squashed under his foot. When it was time for the immortal head to be cut off, took a golden sword that gave him, and using the same technique, the two managed to kill the monster.Before left, he dipped his arrows in the poisonous blood of the Hydra, one of which he later used to kill the; this would later become ' doom, as the died due to the which was smeared in the 's blood containing some of Hydra's poison. Turned her slain monster into the constellation of the same name, while she transformed the crab into the constellation.did not count the success of killing the hydra as one of the labours, using as an excuse the fact that was helped by Iolaus.Labour three: capturing the Ceryneian HindIn their effort to mark an end to ' successes, and decided that the next task should do would be to capture the Ceryneian Hind. This was a sacred deer belonging to the goddess, and had golden antlers and hooves of bronze. It was believed that it was so fast that it could outrun a flying arrow.made a real effort to track the animal. When he saw it, he followed it for a whole year through the lands of Greece, Thrace, Istria and the land of Hyperboreans.

According to one version of the myth, he managed to capture the hind while it was sleeping. On his way back, and her twin brother appeared in front of. This task was given by, thinking that would cause the anger of the goddess and that she would punish him. However, when she appeared in front of him, asked for forgiveness, explaining to her that this was part of his penance for killing his wife and children. He also told her he would return the hind to her as soon as he showed it to. Accepted his apology and let him go.When he returned to the king's court, told that the animal now belonged to him.

Not forgetting his promise to the goddess, tricked by telling him he should take the animal himself and bring it to the palace. When came out to take the deer, the let it go and the animal ran back to.

Simply replied to that he was not been quick enough.Labour four: capturing the Erymanthian BoarThe Erymanthian Boar was a giant animal living on Mount Erymanthos, which was dedicated to the goddess as well. Thought that capturing this beast would be the perfect task that would lead to the 's death. Set forth on his journey to the mountain, but decided to stop by his friend's place, Pholus, a kind. After eating together, asked his friend to open a jug of wine that he had, which attracted the other to Pholus' dwelling. Not knowing that wine was supposed to be watered down before being consumed, the quickly became drunk and attacked.

Live for speed steam. Steering occurs with a mouse and the gears for shifting up and down are located on the keyboard. Players should have experience with racing games before trying on Live For Speed. Although the demo software has just 3 cars and one track, the difficulty level makes this seem like more than enough for a player to master. It is the game designer's belief that the sort of crowd who will enjoy Live For Speed will already have a racing steering wheel for their computer.The game is more advanced than most racing games - no driving aids or free play modes to test things out.

The killed most of them by shooting his poisonous arrows against them; the that remained fled to 's cave.Pholus did not understand why these arrows were so lethal. Out of curiosity, he picked one up but it fell on his foot and poisoned him as well.

Another version has it that one of the arrows mistakenly hit as well; although, being immortal, did not die, he could still feel an insufferable pain. Not able to withstand it, the wise asked to be rid of the pain, exchanging his immortality as well as take the place of the Titan, who was bound on the top of a mountain and his liver was being eaten daily by an eagle. Accepted the exchange. Then killed the eagle with one of his arrows, stopping the torture for.advised how to catch the Erymanthian Boar; he told him that it would be very easy if the lured the boar into thick snow. Followed 's advice and captured the boar in no time.

He then returned to, who upon seeing the creature was so scared that he hid himself in a large jar and asked to get rid of the animal.Labour five: cleaning the stables of AugeasKing Augeas of Elis had a large number of cattle in his stables. All of them were blessed with perfect health and immortality, and being so lively, created a huge amount of dung. The stables of Augeas had never been cleaned in thirty years, and asked to clean them within a day. This task was set to stain ' reputation as it was quite humiliating.When reached Augeas' court, he asked for one tenth of the cattle if he managed to clean the stables in a day; the king agreed.

The managed to complete the task by diverting the rivers and to pass through the stables and wash them out. Augeas refused to pay, and the took him to court, where he managed to win his claim, backed by Augeas' son, Phyleus. However, Phyleus and were both banished by Augeas before the court had ruled.

Furious, returned to Elis, killed Augeas and handed the throne to Phyleus. This is when he was said to have founded the Olympic Games.Although was successful, did not count it as a success, saying that it was the rivers that had done the work for him, and that he accepted payment for it.Labour six: slaying the Stymphalian Birds' next task to was to kill the Stymphalian birds, large flying that humans with their bronze beaks; their wings were made of metallic feathers that could be thrown against their prey, while their dung was highly poisonous. They belonged to the god of war, and lived in the area of the lake Stymphalia, where they destroyed all the surrounding area and the towns.was unable to go too deep into the swamp as he would eventually drown. Helped him by providing him with a rattle; the sound the rattle produced scared the birds and made them fly from their hiding place. While in the air, they were an easy target for, who shot many of them down with his poisonous arrows. The remaining birds flew away to plague other lands; in fact, they were later encountered by the.Labour seven: capturing theThe seventh task gave to was to capture the.

This was a legendary creature that wreaked havoc on the island of, destroying crops and land. After getting permission from King, managed to catch the bull with his bare hands and sent it back to ' court. Upon seeing the creature, hid in his jar and decided to sacrifice the animal to. The goddess rejected the offer, as this would glorify ' success even more.

Instead, the animal was left free and went to the area of Marathon, getting the name Marathonian Bull. It was later caught by and was sacrificed to and.Labour eight: stealing theThe were fearsome animals that had been trained to eat human flesh. They were owned by Diomedes, king of Thrace. It was believed that due to their unnatural diet, the horses were seized with madness, uncontrollable and sometimes they even breathed fire. According to one source, brought a number of young men with him to help him with his task.

After they managed to steal the animals, they were all chased by Diomedes and his army. Told his companion to take care of the horses, while he was fighting Diomedes.

Upon his return, realised that was devoured by the mares. Overcome with anger, fed Diomedes to his own horses, and later founded the city of Abdera in memory of his friend. After the horses were fed, they became calm and seized the opportunity to bind their mouths shut. He brought them back to, who either sacrificed them to or left them roam free, as they had now become permanently calm.Labour nine: stealing the girdle ofAdmete, the daughter of, learned that, queen of the, had been given a girdle as a gift from her father, and wanted it for herself.

So, decided to make this the ninth labour that would have to complete.took some friends with him and set sail for the region of Themiscyra, where the dwelled. On their way there, they stopped at the island of Paros, where the sons of king of killed two of ' friends. Furious, killed the sons of and demanded that two of the inhabitants replace his dead comrades. Thus, two of ' grandsons joined the band, and they all set sail again.After a brief stop at the court of Lycus, a friend of, they eventually reached the land of the. Had heard of the glorious feats that had performed, and impressed, she immediately agreed to give her girdle. Asked her to have lunch together on the ship and eagerly followed. At the same time, however, a disguised went to the and started spreading rumours about wanting to abduct their queen.

The decided to confront and rode towards the ship. Upon seeing them, thought that this had all been set up by and that she had no intention of handing over the girdle; so, he killed her, took the belt and set sail back to Tiryns.Labour ten: stealing the cattle ofThe tenth labour of was to steal the cattle of, who lived on the island of Erytheia, somewhere in the west. Went on his quest, and he first had the cross the desert of Libya. At some point, having been so frustrated at the heat, he shot an arrow at the., the god, was so impressed by ' courage, that he decided to help him by offering him his own golden chariot with which he sailed across the sea from west to east every night. Hopped on the chariot and reached Erytheia overnight.There, his first obstacle was the two-headed dog, brother of, the three-headed dog and guardian of the Underworld.

One blow with ' club was enough to kill. Eurytion, the herdsman, heard what happened and when he tried to confront, he was killed in the same way. Immediately grabbed his three shields and three spears, while wearing three helmets and attacked the. However, a powerful shot of an arrow from ' bow was enough to pierce 's forehead and sent him to his demise.Bringing the cattle back to Tiryns was another task on its own. According to the version of the story, took the road over the Aventine Hill where Rome would later be built on.

Glory Of Heracles Walkthrough

There, a giant named Cacus stole some of the cattle, but they were later retrieved, called out by the animals remaining in the possession of. As an extra obstacle, sent a gadfly to irritate the animals and scatter them. Managed to get them back within a year.

Before he reached Tiryns, though, caused a flood that raised the level of a river so much that it could not be crossed. So, started piling stones into the river, and bridged the two riverbanks. He eventually reached Tiryns, where the cattle were sacrificed to the goddess.Upon finishing the tenth labour, told that he considered two of the labours invalid; the Hydra was not slain by alone but was helped by Iolaus, while he accepted payment for the cleaning of the Augean Stables. So, two more labours had to be completed.

These were:11. To steal the Hesperidean Apples,12. To capture, guardian of the Underworld.Labour eleven: stealing the apples from the garden ofThe were nymphs of the sunset that tended a garden somewhere in the far western corner of the world. Managed to capture the, a shape-shifting sea deity, in order to find out the exact location of the garden. During this quest, also confronted the half-giant, who was invincible by drawing power from his mother, (the earth), as long as he touched it. To kill him, held him high so his feet wouldn't touch the ground, and crushed him with his hands.There are two versions on how managed to acquire the apples. One version has it that he reached the Hesperidean Garden, where he killed, the dragon guardian of the apples, and took the apples.

According to another version, he came across, the Titan god who was condemned to hold the heavens on his shoulders. Was also the father of the, and thus had access to the garden at any time. Persuaded to change for a while, so that would fetch some of the apples.

Agreed and indeed took some of the apples. However, on his return, he decided he did not want to take the heavens back on his shoulders. Tricked him and he said he would be keeping the heavens but wanted to adjust his cloak first. Agreed to take the heavens back momentarily, but walked away taking the apples with him.Labour twelve: capturing, guardian of the UnderworldThe final labour that had to complete was to capture, the three-headed dog and guardian of the Underworld. Before going to the Underworld, decided to be initiated in the Eleusinian Mysteries, so that he would be taught how to travel alive from the world of the living to the realm of the dead and vice versa. He then went to Tanaerum, where one of the entrances to the Underworld lay, and was helped there. The goddess also helped him with negotiating with Charon, the boatman that guided the souls over the river Acheron towards the Underworld.Once he reached the Underworld, he met and, the two that had been incarcerated in the Underworld by for attempting to steal.

According to one version of the story, snakes coiled around their legs and then turned into stone. A different version has it that the god of the Underworld feigned hospitality and invited them to a feast. However, the chairs on which the were seated magically caused forgetfulness, thus keeping them there.

Pulled from his chair, managing to save him; however, part of his thigh was stuck to it, thus providing an explanation of the supposedly lean thighs of Athenians. When the tried to save, though, the earth started trembling; it seems that because he desired for himself, it was so insulting that he was not allowed to leave.found and asked him to take to the surface. The god agreed on the condition that no weapons should be used to achieve it.

Managed to subdue the dog with his hands and brought it on his back to Tiryns. Fled in horror into his jar and asked to take the monster back to the Underworld, releasing him from any other labours.After the Twelve Labours were complete, decided to join and the in their attempt to obtain the.See Also:, Megara, Nemean Lion, Iolaus, Diomedes, the.