
No Thank You Game

1 Jan 2000admin
No Thank You Game Rating: 4,3/5 6464 reviews

Puzzledom rolling ball

If you already have No Thank You, Evil! And some or all of the supplements, this backer level is just for you! This level DOES NOT include the game itself—but you get three PDFs of new adventures and other content, brought to you by Storia’s renowned delivery service, BEE MAIL! (See the main text for details.) You also get any BEE MAIL! Digital stretch goals we reach during this campaign.It’s a great deal, but here’s the hook: In addition to your pledge, as a fan of No Thank You, Evil!

Already, we need you to help spread the word about this campaign. Tell a friend with kids, or share the Kickstarter on social media. Woodlyn, the Bee Queen, is trusting you with this duty!✦BEE MAIL! PDFs✦All unlocked BEE MAIL! Digital stretch goals✦Woodlyn’s gratitude for helping spread the word!If you already have No Thank You, Evil!, but would like additional supplements and stretch goals, check out I’M ALREADY AWESOME!, below.

Thank you so much for the release, I’m so excited for this! Gregg night in the woods jacksepticeye. I played this game with horrible machine translation and it was so hot, but the story intrigued me too (although I didn’t understand a thing lol) I hope a lot of fans support this game, I’ll do my best to save money for when it’s out!