
Dungreed All Sets

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Battletoads mame missing roms. In theory, other sets could be made with existing items as pieces: 'of the Underdark', Troll Hide, or Dragonhide items could certainly become parts of a set if more items were added, along with some 'set bonus'.As for the existing Mithral set, we definitely need a set bonus clarification from the top.

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Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #1

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This post will be updated as new sets are added.
When a set bonus is achieved by equipping a weapon, shield, orb, or anything held in (not worn on) the hand, the hand-held item is 'locked in' for that mode of combat. Therefore:
  • If you equip a hand-held item in a melee slot to fulfill a set bonus you must keep that specific hand-held item equipped when engaging in melee combat.
  • If you equip a hand-held item in a ranged slot to fulfill a set bonus you must keep that specific hand-held item equipped when engaging in physical ranged combat.
You may temporarily swap one or both hand-held set-piece items (either melee for ranged or ranged for melee) and maintain the set's bonus. However, the bonuses granted by the individual 'lost' item(s) won't apply. E.g., a ranger using Scepter, Orb, and Boots of Might to gain a level may swap out the Scepter and Orb to use a ranged weapon, but may not use any other melee weapons. During the swap-out, the ranger loses the +2 Strength bonus granted by the Orb of Might, but maintains the +1 level granted by the Might set.
Assuming all the required pieces can be equipped simultaneously, characters may benefit from more than one set bonus—either from different sets or within the same subset. E.g., a character enjoying the Might Quintet bonus also gains the Trio & Quartet bonuses.
To qualify for a set bonus, the set's quota must be filled with unique items if the items are Ultra Rare or lower in rarity. E.g., a ranger may wield two +2 Viper Strike Fangs, but they only count as one when it comes to qualifying for the Viper Strike set bonus. However, if both of the same-named set weapons are either Relics (★) or Legendaries, they count as two items toward the set's quota. E.g., wielding two +3 Viper Strike Fangs would count as two items toward the Viper Strike set bonus.
The Arcane Set (2020): When all three items are equipped, the first 0–2nd-level spell the wearer casts is not marked off their character card. This ability may be used once per game--not once per spell, not once per spell level.
Each Arcane item is usable by every class
  • Arcane Belt
  • Arcane Bracers
  • Arcane Earcuff

The Cabal Set (2013): When all three items are worn, gain the ability to cast two spells from your character card in one round. Either or both spells may be modified because neither is 'cast as a scroll'.
Usable by: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Elf Wizard, Wizard
  • Bracelets of the Cabal
  • Charm of the Cabal
  • Gloves of the Cabal

The Celestial Set (2009): When all three items are worn/used, grants immunity to melee and mental attacks from evil outsiders.
Usable by: Barbarian, Bard, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
  • Celestial Bracers
  • Celestial Girdle
  • +1 Celestial Keen Long Sword

The Charming Set (2017): When at least three items are equipped, gain +1 level. There is no four-piece bonus.
Each Charming item is usable by every class
  • Charming Crown
  • Charming Earcuff
  • Charming Ring
  • Ioun Stone Charming Cabochon

The Darkthorn Set (2013): When all three items are worn, enemies will take 2 points of Retribution Damage (piercing) whenever they successfully strike you with a melee attack.
Usable by: Barbarian, Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin
  • Darkthorn Armor
  • Darkthorn Helmet
  • Darkthorn Shield

The Defender Set (2012): When all three items are worn, gain +1 to AC and immunity to Hold, Slow, and other hindrances (à la Boots of Free Action).
Usable by: Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin
  • Defender Helm
  • Defender Platemail
  • Defender Shield

The Dragonhide Trio (2009-2012): When at least three items are worn (there is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Dragonhide items), automatically make saving throws vs. dragon breath weapons and gain +3 to all saving throws.
Usable by: All
  • Dragonhide Armor
  • Dragonhide Belt
  • Dragonhide Boots
  • Dragonhide Bracers
  • Dragonhide Cloak
  • Dragonhide Shirt

The Dragonscale Set (2006-2009): When all three items are worn, reduce damage from fire by 10.
Usable by: Cleric, Druid, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin
  • Dragonscale Armor
  • Dragonscale Helmet
  • Dragonscale Shield

The Footman Set (2012): When all three items are worn, gain +2 to AC and reduce damage from Cold by 1.
Usable by: Bard, Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin
  • Footman Chainmail
  • Footman Cap
  • Footman Shield

The Lucky Set (2020): When two items are equipped, the wearer’s maximum HP increases by 5. There is no additional bonus if a character somehow manages to equip all three items.
Usable by: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, and Paladin
  • Lucky Light Mail
  • Lucky Plate Armor
  • Lucky Shield

The Might Trio: When three items are worn/used, the character gains +1 level.
The Might Quartet: When four items are worn/used, in addition to the Trio bonus, the character's melee attacks do +2 Damage (for a total of +1 level and +2 Damage)
The Might Quintet: When five items are worn/used, in addition to the Trio & Quartet bonuses, the character’s melee attacks do another +2 Damage (for a total of +1 level and +4 Damage)
Each Might item is usable by every class
The first Might token was printed in 2009.
  • Boots of Might
  • Crown of Might
  • Girdle of Might
  • Orb of Might
  • +2 Scepter of Might

The Mithral Trio: When three items are worn/used, take only half damage from breath weapons.
Trio usable by: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, and Rogue
(There is no Mithral Quartet.)
The Mithral Quintet: When five items are worn/used, in addition to the Trio bonus, the character gains Deadbane: any successful melee attack from an undead monster to the wearer does 10 points of damage to that monster (per this post ).
Quintet usable by: Bard, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin, and Ranger
The Mithral Sextet: When all six items are worn/used, in addition to the Trio and Quintet bonuses, the +1 Mithral Long Sword will instantly kill a dragon on a natural 20 if the 8 or 9 on its damage wheel is closest to the damage dot on the combat board.
Sextet usable by: Bard, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin, and Ranger
The first Mithral token was printed in 2007.
  • Mithral Boots
  • +2 Mithral Bracers
  • +3 Mithral Bracers
  • Mithral Cap
  • Mithral Chainmail
  • Mithral Gauntlets
  • +1 Mithral Long Sword
  • TaMor's +4 Mithral Bracers

The Mountain Dwarf Set (2012): When all three items are worn, reduce damage from Cold by 1.
Usable by: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue
  • Mountain Dwarf Armor
  • Mountain Dwarf Boots
  • Mountain Dwarf Mitts

The Redoubt Set (2016): When three items are worn, gain +2 to Strength and +5 to max HP.
Usable by: Barbarian, Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin
  • Blessed Redoubt Mail
  • Blessed Redoubt Plate
  • Blessed Redoubt Shield
  • Byr's Anointed Redoubt Plate
  • Giln's Redoubt Shield
  • Redoubt Helm
  • Redoubt Mail
  • Redoubt Plate
  • Redoubt Shield
  • Sill's Anointed Redoubt Mail

The Templar Set (2012): When all three items are worn, regenerate 3 HP at the beginning of each room.
Usable by: Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin
  • Templar Armor
  • Templar Helmet
  • Templar Shield

The Viper Strike Set (2014): When at least three items are equipped (there is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Viper Strike items), all characters gain +2 To Hit on all attack slides (including spells.) In addition to the To Hit bonus, monk and rogue characters gain an additional benefit:
Monk: if a Viper Strike weapon critically hits, it deals +5 Poison damage (which is included in the total damage to be doubled because it's a critical hit)
Rogue: double sneak attack damage on a critical hit
Usable by: Barbarian, Bard, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue
  • Asher's +5 Viper Strike Fang
  • +2 Viper Strike Fang
  • +3 Viper Strike Fang
  • Viper Strike Belt
  • Viper Strike Pants
  • Viper Strike Shirt

The Wind Set (2013): When all three items are worn, gain the Feather Fall effect and invulnerability to non-magical missiles
Each Wind item is usable by every class
  • Amulet of the Wind
  • Cloak of the Wind
  • Earcuff of the Wind
Note:Boots of the North/South/East/West Wind are not part of the Wind set.
The Elemental Eldritch Set
When at least two items are equipped, the character gains +1 level as well bonuses to healing and/or damage spells they cast, and weapon attacks. The bonuses gained are as follows:
TierLvl*Heals Cast**Dmg
*+Level effects never stack
**Only affects cast healing spells (see 'Healing Bonus Note' note below), not special powers, scrolls, wands, etc. A 'special power' is not a 'spell'. Rule of thumb: if it's not printed on the character card under a section titled 'Spells', it's not a spell.
Healing Bonus Note: This bonus is for spells cast by the healer, not spells cast on the healer--unless the healer and the target are the same person (self-healing.)
Multi-Target Note: Multi-target attacks/heals get a pool of bonus damage/healing which may be allocated among the eligible recipients as the attacker/caster sees fit. It does not grant the full bonus to each target.
Affects melee, missile (including alchemical weapons), and spells, but not special powers or items (scrolls, wands, etc.)
Available after 7th Tooth of Cavadar has been printed in 2021
Usable by: all (but that could change)
  • Boots of the Four Winds (2013-2016)
  • Kilt of Dungeonbane (2017-2019)
  • Rod of 7 Parts (2008-2014)
  • Supreme Ring of Elemental Command (2009-2012)
  • Teeth of Cavadar [name not finalized] (2015-2021)
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections/suggestions in this thread .
If I write something in teal, it should not be taken seriously.

Re: Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #2

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I think I can authoritatively say no other complete sets exist. I also think it's safe to say that the Rogue can't use any set in existence. <br /><br />It was definitely hinted that the Crown of Might was to be part of an 'of Might' set. There was also talk of adding more pieces to the Mithral set, with details as yet sketchy. <br />In theory, other sets could be made with existing items as pieces: 'of the Underdark', Troll Hide, or Dragonhide items could certainly become parts of a set if more items were added, along with some 'set bonus'.<br /><br />As for the existing Mithral set, we definitely need a set bonus clarification from the top. <br />

Re: Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #3

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Yes, the might set is to be Crown, Orb, and Sceptre. This one will also have a negative effect for the set.
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Re: Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #4

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<br />The Mithral Set*:<br />

  • Mithral Cap
  • <br />
  • Mithral Chainmail
  • <br />
  • +1 Mithral Long Sword
<br /><br />I'm not sure about Mithral. I've read conflicting stories. Some say +2 to hit (with the Long Sword) vs. undead. Others say half damage from breath weapons. And it also looks like there may be a five-item set in the future.<br />
<br /><br />So far the three mentioned are it, the Mithral set is half damage from breath weapons. There will likely be others in the future, but nothing has been decided and will not be for GC 2009.<br /><br />Dave<br />
You should know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon..

Re: Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #5

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Yes, the might set is to be Crown, Orb, and Sceptre.

<br /><br />I was only able to find the Crown of Might (2009). Are the Orb and Scepter yet to be created/released?
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections/suggestions in this thread .
If I write something in teal, it should not be taken seriously.

Re: Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #6

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They have been said to be found.. [move][glow=red,2,300]IN THE FUTURE![/glow][/move]
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Re: Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #7

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Is the Mithral set 1/2 damage from BW or Immune from BW? The spreadsheet, though not official, has it as Immune.

Re: Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #8

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Dave said 1/2 damage a couple of posts up; we can take that as truth.
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Re: Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #9

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The wizard can't use any set either, since can't use helmet or swords. However, I'm not complaining, since wizards have almost all the wands for themselves.
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Re: Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #10

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Amorgen has been informed and, since he's currently on the road traveling, it will be updated as soon as he can access a computer to fix it.
Tobin Blake, Crusader of Bahamut, Knight of the Merciful Sword, and Triadic Knight.

Re: Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #11

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How about the various darkwood items?<br />Is there to be a set of them?
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Re: Complete List of Set Bonuses 10 years 8 months ago #12

  • 5th Level
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Not that I am aware, most are weapons, so having a set would not be beneficial.
You should know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon..
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