
Summoners War Monsters

1 Jan 2000admin
Summoners War Monsters Rating: 4,1/5 7810 reviews

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This is part one of a two-part guide. Part 1 covers General Rules of Thumb, 1. Monsters, and 2. Monsters. Chapter 2 coversWhat and Who Is This Guide For?There are over 550 unique monsters in Summoners War, and this guide is to help you understand which mons are worth keeping, why you should build them, and (equally important) when you should build them. This guide will have tips for beginners and experienced players alike, so take a deep breath, and let’s dive in.General Rules of ThumbHere are some basic rules to help you answer the question, “Should I keep this mon?”.

Keep one of every unique, non-farmable nat 3.+ Light and Dark (LnD) mon you find. Keep one of every unique nat 4.+ mon you find. Keep one of every fusion mon you needTo be even more clear, let’s say you find a Wind Neostone Agent and a Water Neostone Agent. You should keep both of them, not feed one to the other. Subnet masks. Let’s say you find a second (duplicate, or dupe) Wind Neostone Agent.

Now you have two Wind Neostone Agents, and one Water Neostone Agent. You can safely feed only one of the Wind Neostone Agents, because you should still keep one of each element.This is to save you from the soul-crushing moment in the future when they buff a mon or release new content that would be perfect for that nat 4. you pulled three copies of a year ago, which you foolishly fed all of them because you thought, “this mon sucks and is useless.” You don’t want to be that guy.

If you want to be even safer, just save one of every non-farmable mon, period. A lot of people foddered Mav and then struggled to find him again once he was buffed and became a staple in TOA.

You never know what’s going to happen. Better to be safe than sorry.1. MonstersGenerally speaking, 1. monsters are your fodder to evolve other monsters, but there are a few 1. mons we should talk about: Angelmon & King AngelmonAngelmon and King Angelmon grant more experience when used as fodder to level up another mon than typical mons do. They also grant bonus experience once awakened when fed to a monster of the same element.

You can either feed 1. mons to level up your Angelmon and King Angelmon to 15 (if you have extra fodder), or put them in an experience building (e.g. Tranquil Forest, Crystal Lake) so they level up to 15 without wasting fodder.When feeding Angelmon and King Angelmon to level up your mons, I recommend feeding no more than two at a time, and only use them on 3-4. mons of the same element. This will quickly get you the fodder you need to 5-6. your mons, and give you a decent chance of lightning (i.e.

X1.5 experience bonus). DevilmonDevilmon are a precious resource, and you should make every effort to get them whenever you can.

That means one per week from Glory Shop (Arena), one per month from TOAN 70, one per month from TOAH 70, and every event that offers a devilmon. Devilmon grant one skill up in a random skill to whichever mon you feed it to. Do not waste them on 1-3. mons and do not waste them on 4. mons that have a 3. mon in their family (e.g.

Epikion Priests and Taoists). Save your Devilmon for your rare 5. mons and 4. mons that need skill ups to be great (e.g. Chasun, Galleon). Low ElementalLamor (Fire Low Elemental) and Samour (Wind Low Elemental) can be used to a decent effect to speed up your farming times by using them as your leader. Lamor grants +15% ATK to all allys, and Samour grants +10% CR to all ally mons, and they are both very cheap to awaken.

For example, if you’re using Alicia to farm Faimon Hell, her leader skill does nothing for you, but you can add +15% ATK or +10% CR (if you messed up during FRR and only gave Alicia 75% CR) to speed up your runs and/or make them more consistent by using Lamor or Samour. SlimeSlime is King. Slime is God. Slime.2. MonstersBefore I dive into 2. mons, I want to take a brief moment to talk about base stats.

Generally speaking, the higher the initial (aka natural, or nat) star (.) level, the better base stats (HP, ATK, DEF) a mon will have. In other words, a nat 3. mon will generally have better base stats than a nat 2. mon, even when both are evolved and leveled to 6. 40. This means that while some 2-3.

mons have potentially useful kits, they are not widely used due to their low base stats (and therefore lower final stats when max level).That being said, there are a few 2. Monsters that are commonly used due to their unique skill sets, decent base stats, and ease of acquisition.

Going forward, I’m going to separate mons into four categories: PvE (mons that will help you progress in the PvE content, which includes your first goals as a new player), PvP (mons that are valuable to have in Arena, GW, and RTA), Niche (mons that can be useful in unique situations, but are low priority compared to PvE and PvP category mons), and Fusion (mons needed for fusion). 2. PvE Mons.: Like Shannon, Colleen brings some useful buffs and debuffs to your team.

Colleen is an ever-present mon in NB10 and Raid teams. Check our our for more on how to build your Raid team.: Konamiya can be your +1 in GB10 and DB10, is useful later on in Raids, and can be used to great effect in PvP when you speed tune your team.

Check out our DB10 Guide for more info on how to build your first DB10 team.: The Wind Pixie is a staple member of beginner’s GB10 and TOAN teams. She brings a team ATK+DEF buff, glancing and AOE slow debuffs, which are important buffs/debuffs to help your team survive. Check out our for more info on how to use Shannon.: Tarq is a commonly used unit in late game B10 teams. His S3 reduces the cooldowns of two allies as they attack together on a target.

He is not worth building until late game, so don’t bother if you don’t have amazing runes.: With an 85% single target -25% ATB on S1, 100% AOE ATK break on S2, and 70% AOE provoke on S3, Ursha can fit nicely into a TOA team.2. PvP Mons.: The Fire Hellhound has a few things going for him that make him a decent addition to a PvP team: high base ATK (823 at 6. 40), high SPD (110), decent skill modifiers (360% on S1, 370% x 2 on S2), and two useful team buffs on S3 (ATK + CR%). Sieq is one of the tutorial mons, but don’t worry if you fed him; he’s a common drop in Faimon.2. Niche Mons.: The only 2. reviver, Cheryl can be found via a Secret Dungeon on Sunday’s. I’d only recommend Cheryl if you made the mistake of foddering your Teon and don’t have any other revivers.: ATK break on S1, DOT on S2, immune to freeze and stun, and deals extra damage based on enemy HP.

He isn’t all that great, but can be useful in Water B10.: All of his skills do damage based on his max HP and he brings an AOE ATK break and single target stun. At 11,205, his base HP is decent enough for him to be worth a shout for a surprise defensive mon in PvP.: A decent, reliable early game healer, Lulu isn’t worth 6.ing but can bring stability to your team early on in your Summoners War career.: On top of a solid AOE heal, Rakaja brings a slow and a stun, both of which are multi-hit skills. Could be useful in NB10 or Raids.: Ramagos is situationally useful in PvP (vs. Camilla and fire heavy teams), he can carry you (early game) through scenarios and Arena alike, but he’s also a noob trap. While he can farm Hydeni 5 Hell and Aiden 1 Hard with ease at 5., he does everything slowly. I personally advise new players to focus on Water Magic Knight and farm Faimon 1 Hard in 1/3 of the time or less.: Everyone loves and talks about his brother, but Roid is actually a decent mon. The ATB reset and irresistible taunt on S3 are solid, and he brings both DEF and ATK break on his other skills.2. Fusion Mons.: / fusion.: / Sigmarus fusion.: / Sigmarus / fusion.: / Katarina fusion.: / Katarina / fusion.: / Veromos fusion.: / Veromos / fusion.: / Xiong Fei fusion.: / Xiong Fei fusionFurther ReadingThat wraps up our introduction to monsters and some of the more useful nat 2.

monsters. For information on.Comment below and share any additional information you think is missing from this guide. We’ll continue to add more detail as we deem necesary. Thanks for reading!VoxGens.

Few more Nat2s worth building:Fire- Ursha- Counterblow.Water- Lulu. Heals and cleanses 6 out of 7 turns in a row, and when she doesn’t heal she gets a head start on her ATB to get to the heals faster. Legit good.Wind- covered.Light- Taru (imp)- 3rd skill is a huge nuke that ignores defense, and he gets a free crit buff and has higher natural speed, making him easier to rune than other single target delete buttons (Kahli, Bulldozer, Copper).

Wish you can win in this battle, have fun! Sniper shooter games unblocked.

Plus free attack speed boost on 1, and a reliable stun on 2 Very valuable.Jansson the light Viking- I’ve done ToaH100 with him as my ONLY heal and ONLY DoT and won. Doesn’t heal as much as bella, but has a better ATB boost, and gets turns faster than bella due to skill 2 a 3 turn DoT on 1 is great. Highly recommend him.Dark- Yea, just Gorgo.

Even if not all 5-star monsters in Summoners War can fit into your line-up, they generally have the best stats in the game. For this reason, most of them are quite versatile and can easily be included in both PvE and PvP squads. Usually, it all boils down to how much you manage to accrue between your units, as well as to how effective your line-up is for the challenge that lies ahead.After we presented a list of the, we thought we’d go ahead and tackle the big bosses of SW. As we mentioned in our resource management guide, runes tend to be more important than monsters themselves, mostly because of how much they can enable the latter.

Consequently, whether a unit is effective or good in a particular scenario is entirely dependent on your line-up and rune embedding choices. Destructive Damage DealersTheomars – one of the most outstanding DPSers in the game. He is a beast in PvP, Giant’s Keep, Dragon’s Lair Basement, and the Elemental Rift Beasts in raids.

His 3 rd skill passive, Elemental King, ensures he always has elemental over his enemies, while also being immune to death for one turn upon fatal damage.Another amazing aspect of having him as your leader is his immense critical rating, 69%, to be precise. That means you just need another 31% from your runes to get him up to a full 100%, since there’s no diminishing return in SW. That means he’ll almost always do 50% additional damage when he hits.

We told you he’s good.Sigmarus – you need to prioritize getting him as either your second or, in case you’re going for Beretta, your third fusion. In PvP, he’s a decent water-based damage dealer, while in PvE, he’s one of the better HP-based nukers. Stats-wise, he has the 4 th highest damage in the game. If you manage to get him up to 100% CR, his S2 and S3 will also freeze whoever he hits for 1 turn.Although he’s a bit squishy for raids, he is a great option for GB10 and DB10, as well as for Tower of Ascension.Seara – her leader skill tells you everything you need to know: 24% more speed for all allies. She’s not called the bomb queen for nothing.

Her S2, Fate of Destruction, will place a bomb on the enemy that is hit by the attack, while also giving her another turn. The bomb explodes in 2 turns total, but, if you’re not keen on waiting, the S3, Promised Time, will detonate it instantly.She also has a CR-triggered mechanic from her S1, which means that whenever she lands a critical hit, her attack bar gains 15%.Zairos – he’s one of those outstanding 5-stars we recommend you level with the weekly Devilmons we mentioned in our. He works well as a lead character, giving everybody no less than 33% more attack value. Aside from his AoE dots, he has a powerful AoE slow, making him one of the most notorious PvP units. If you’re a PvP enthusiast, this is the absolute monster.He is also exceptional in ToA and completing the main Scenario, but he is not recommended in the GB10 and NB10 dungeons. You can’t have it all.Solid SupportsVeromos – if you are serious about your Summoners War account, he ought to be your first fusion. Definitely worth spending your Devilmons on.

He is great in GB10, DB10, ToA, and PvP. It’s only through the very late game that the passive of his S3, Conversion of Magic, becomes less impactful. The main reason why this is the case is because of defense-break mechanic, which will pretty much guarantee a swift end to whoever is targeted.Praha – a vital support for any compositions. If she’s in your Leader spot, your team’s resistances will be increased by a noteworthy 41%. The purge offered by her S2, Predicted Future, is always useful, whereas her S3’s heal, Daydream, will pretty much guarantee you can dominate Dungeons and Raids. In fact, she’s a frequent sight on the frontline of many raid compositions.Ganymede – he’s so good that he is actually disgusting in some PvP compositions. His S2, Ventilate, refreshes the cooldowns of all your teammates, while his last ability, Seal Magic, is even more OP.

The latter puts your enemy’s skills on maximum cooldown while resetting the attack bar of everyone on the opposing team. Ganymede is the smooth criminal in ToA and definitely not fun to go up against.Durable DefendersFeng Yan – he is a monster in Dungeons, ToA, and PvP. We can’t even count how many times people have complained about his durability in the Arena. His leader buff, 44% more defense in Guild Battles, is no joke, while his S2, Calm Wind, is a strong group heal.Feng’s true strength, however, lies in his Winds and Clouds passive, which grants 20% increase to his attack bar every time he is assaulted. Meanwhile, his attack increases with his defense stat, so the harder he is to kill, the harder he hits.Xiong Fei – fourth fusion right here, if you were wondering what to do after Sigmarus.

He truly shines in NB10, while also being a noteworthy addition to your Raid comps. His only problem is that you need to feed him Devilmons to boost his skills to max; otherwise he can be a little underwhelming.Camilla – her versatility and effectiveness depend on your build. She can either be an amazing self-sustain DPS or somebody you can just ignore in PvP until everybody else is dead. Still, the Arena is where she usually shines because her leader ability reduces the critical rating you need to add to your line-up via Runes.Build the Best All-Star Team with BlueStacksSo far, these are the most impactful 5-star units in Summoners War. Some of them are a glorious sight when they really get in their element, which is why gearing them is one of the most satisfactory things you can do in this game.Naturally, everybody can excel given the right build and composition, so we’re curious to see what other 5-stars you’ve successfully experimented with.

Either way, we’re mostly excited to come across more units that are worth our Devilmons.